Allergy Symptom: HIVES

Anyone who has ever broken out in hives knows that it is not fun. Some people will break out mildly, some severely. Hives are nothing to joke around about. They can be fatal. Here are some facts and info on HIVES…

Fact. People usually break out in hives instantly after exposure to an allergen. The allergen can be anything, from dust to an additive in a food or drink. When hives first hit the most immediate symptom is persistent itching. There may be red blotches, or welts on the skin. These welts are not just limited to the area exposed. A food allergy may cause welts over the entire body. You’ll know you’re broke out in hives for sure because these red blotches itch insanely. When welts and itching are the only symptoms present you have mild hives.

Fact. Hives can strike for more reasons than allergy. Allergy may have nothing to due with an outbreak of hives. Stress, heat, cold, and water can cause hives too. If you are very stressed each time you break out then the stress you are feeling is probably what’s causing you to break out.

More symptoms. Hives can cause more symptoms than itching and red blotches. Hives can also make your face, tongue and throat swell up. Hives can make your digestive track swell up, causing great abdominal pain and diarrhea. Hive can cause your blood pressure to drop, causing dizziness and or loss of consciousness. These symptoms are very severe and require emergency medical treatment. People will break out severely if they are exposed to something the are severely allergic too. I once took a little sip of a drink that contained something I was allergic to in it. Just one little, tiny sip cause me to break out in severe hives instantly. In a restaurant!!!

To treat mild hives you can take an antihistamine. You’ll ee the results of it working in about 20 minutes, and find relief. Don’t depend on an antihistamine if your face, throat, or tongue starts to swell. You’ll know it if they do, there’s no mistaking that feeling. Seek emergency care immediately. Do this if you begin to feel lightheaded, or near passing out as well.

Hives are nothing to fool around with. See your doctor if you have been experiencing even just mild hives. They can get worse. The symptoms can be very severe, even fatal. The best thing to do is to figure out the source of your hive outbreaks. Is it an allergen? If so, what are you allergic to? Is it stress? If so, how can you help to reduce your stress level?

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