Alternative Health Practices and Suggestions

Here are a few things to consider when choosing an alternative practitioner:
Contact a professional organization for the type of alternative doctor you are seeking.
Check with licensing boards for names of alternative medicine doctors.
For instance, one Indian doctor says stress is definitely one cause of endometriosis but also goes back to the basics of traditional medicine.
“Current scientific theory points to estrogen dominance as a major factor in the disease,” he says. “In addition to stress-triggered estrogen production we are seeing women with out-of-whack hormones related to environmental estrogen known as xenoestrogens.”
These xenoestrogens, according to this doctor, enter the body through the food supply such as meat and dairy products from “hormonally-enhanced” animals.
It is said also to consume as little sugar as possible including aspartame, nutra-sweet, synthetic and artificial sugars, splenda, sucralose, and acesulfame potassium.
These are detrimental to our health according to some research.
Also to balance endocrine function it is important to get to bed at 10 p.m. daily, states one expert.
“Alternative medicine is here to stay,” said Dr. Neil Baum. “Research shows that many Americans have sought treatment from non-traditional doctors and other providers.”
According to the Spaulding-Medford Rehab Hospital Network complimentary and alternative medicine has become the focus of great interest by the public and the medical profession. At Spaulding the philosophy is that each person has alternative healing mechanisms that are resources for recovery and maintaining health. Techniques used at Spaulding come from various eras, some ancient and some new, according to their website. states that traditional drug therapy is not very effective for the maladies we face today and that many people are concerned about the numerous and unpleasant side effects of drugs.
“People are looking for gentle care by someone who will spend time with them and really listen,” says Dr. Alfreda Brodbeck, an alternative medicine practitioner. “Good health is our birthright.”