Alternative Household Uses for Various Kinds of Tape

Nearly everybody has got tape hanging around the house, but very few of those people ever think to put it practical use in all the ways available. If you are only using tape for the purpose of taping, then you really are wasting on incredibly valuable resource. Not that every person is going to find occasions for every one of these alternative employment of the sticky supply, but surely just about anyone can find at least a few of these tips useful.
Reflective tape placed down on the floor of your garage can help guide you through the clutter on either side of the parking area. Lay down reflective tape around the exact area of the garage into which your car can fit without running over anything and you will be able to perfectly park the car even when the lights are off.
Writing Assistant
If you break a pencil and you don’t have access to a replacement, you can call on tape to extend the life of the writing instrument just long enough to get the current job done. Connect two pieces of a broken pencil with tape until you can get your hands on a brand new one. The same principle will help keep a young child from crying when they break a crayon.
Location Device
A piece of glow-in-the-dark tape can be of tremendously valuable assistance for those things you find yourself constantly losing. Place a piece of illuminated tape on your keys, your remote controls and anything else that regularly gets misplaced. This is especially valuable advice for commonplace household items that tend to get lost at night.
Comb Cleaning
Stretch a piece of tape long enough to fit the breadth of a comb and then rip it off to remove hair and dried crusty bits left over after putting styling gel in your hair. Use tape on both sides of the comb to ensure you get all the crud that collects on the teeth of a comb.
Broken Glass
Use the always valuable double-sided sticky tape to make cleaning up an accident involving broken glass significantly less dangerous. Tiny little slivers of glass can be safely removed from a surface by covering each of your fingers in double-sided tape or wrapping your entire hand in double-side tape. Just press down light on the area where the slivers remain and you will almost certainly discover that there were very tiny pieces of broken glass you didn’t even see.
Get a Grip
Thick tape like duct tape or masking tape can help provide a better grip on tools and instruments. When you just can’t work up enough leverage or get a tight grip on a tool, address the situation by wrapping enough thick tape around it to make holding it tight easier.
Ant Removal
You can easily rid yourself of an advancing army of ants with the judicious use of tape. Just apply a length of tape long enough and wide enough to cover the marching line and press down. Tape works on two levels when it comes to ants: you can kill them and easily dispose of them using just one device.