Alternative Treatments to Reduce Symptoms of Menopause

The hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings, and fatigue are just a few symptoms of the onset of menopause. All these signs are letting you know that menopause is right at your doorstep. For some women, menopause is a welcome relief despite the symptoms because it means no more menstrual cycles, which has its own set of nuisances that occur every month. For others, menopause is a big headache. Menopause is a sign of hormonal changes taking place in a woman’s body and means she no longer can produce fertile eggs. There are hormonal replacement therapies that women can receive to help them deal with the symptoms of menopause. However, there are alternative treatments that are available to help reduce the symptoms of menopause.

The first alternative treatment to help reduce menopausal symptoms is to take some Vitamin E, which is as effective as the estrogen your body is losing during menopause. Vitamin E can help reduce and eliminate Recommended usage is to start with 400 IUs daily and slowly increase it to 1200 IUs. You don’t have to take 1200 IU all at one time break it up throughout the day. Once you feel those hot flashes reduce, cut back on the dosage to 400 IU. Vitamin E can also help to reduce vaginal dryness. You can also include foods that are high in Vitamin E to your diet, such as avocado, flaxseed, and wheat germ.

The next alternative treatment to help reduce the symptoms of menopause is to start taking Vitamin B complex. B-complex vitamins help to reduce stress that many menopausal women suffer from. Take at least 50 mg of Vitamins B6 and B12. The herb, Black Cohosh, is great for balancing those out of whack hormones. The herb attaches to estrogen receptors and helps correct hormone imbalances, which will result in reducing menopausal symptoms like hot flashes and night sweats. Take 20 mg of the herb twice a day until you feel better. You can also mix the tincture with tea, cutting �½ to 1 tablespoon of the root, heating it in two cups of water for 10 minutes, and drinking it with tea three times a day. Drink �½ to 1 cup three times a day.

If black cohosh doesn’t work try the herb motherwort, which can reduce and stop hot flashes and irritability. To make motherwort tea, pour 1 pint of boiling water with 1 ounce of the leaves for 10 minutes, strain, and drink at least Ã?½ cup to 1 cup three times a day. Instead of undressing and dressing, raising windows and closing windows all-night or even during the day, take Sage and Progesterone to help reduce and eliminate those heavy bouts of sweating. Follow the same directions with Sage as with Motherwort. For progesterone, you can apply a small amount of cream to any part of your body two times a day.

Hydrotherapy will help you sweat more, so you can sweat less. Make sense? By sweating deliberately, say in a sauna, hot tub, or taking a hot bath, you provide an outlet for the toxins released during those hot flashes, which can eliminate hot flashes. Take a hot dip for at least 20 minutes a day and this should help significantly reduce the hot flashes. Taking chasterberry can help reduce many symptoms of menopause, take the herb for about 3 months on a daily basis. Some additional alternative treatments to use to reduce menopausal symptoms include taking Siberian ginseng to increase energy, at least 200-1,000 mg daily. To help you sleep, put drops of lavender oil on your pillow or take 300-500 mg Valerian extract one hour before bedtime. To stop the heavy flow of bleeding, take Vitamin C and A. Trying all of these alternative treatments to reduce menopausal symptoms will help you effectively deal with this time of your life.

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