Alternatives in Prostate Treatments

Almost all forms of prostate cancer are cancers that form in organ linings (or, in medical terms, the “epithelial tissue”), particularly those which possess glandular properties. They are known as carcinoid, lymphoma, melanoma, sarcoma and (accounting for the great majority of all colorectal cancerous forms – as high as ninety-five percent by some estimates) adenocarcinoma. Treatment, as we are so often told, begins with regular check-ups and diagnoses.
Indeed, detection of obvious polyps indicates a cancerous development of potentially several years and can require prostate treatments ranging from minor surgery to full-on radiation- and/or chemotherapy. Some experts claim that twenty-five percent of the population will develop such polyps before the age of fifty-three. It is generally accepted that size indicates the polyp’s lethalness as well: The odds of a one-inch polyp becoming cancerous can reach forty percent.
Prostate treatments are, of course, various in style, method and approach. Like almost all forms of cancer, the tendency to Familial Adenomatous Polyposis is genetic. Should you carry the Familial Adenomatous Polyposis gene, some claim there is an exactly zero percent possibility of avoiding colorectal cancer before late adulthood. The more extreme of prostate treatments, therefore, take place on a chromosomal level and involve gene therapy.
On the other side of the adenocarcinoma treatment spectrum are herbal cures. The jury is still out on most of these ideas, though limited laboratory tests have shown positive results. PC-SPES and PC-HOPE are combinations of eight and ten herbs, respectively, thought to assist in prostate treatments. Plant estrogens are at the heart of active ingredients in such cures.
Estrogen is also used in hormone therapy, perhaps the most common of prostate treatments. Testosterone fosters polyp growth and, to shrink growths, estrogen is applied. Despite the widespread belief in hormone therapy, experts in the field are constantly seeking more efficacious formulae and so the flavor-of-the-month from a given doctor is probably always suspect.
High-intensity focused ultrasound is a newfangled idea in the field of prostate treatments. The idea here is to bombard body tissue with high-frequency sound waves. When applied, certain tissues heat up and essentially burn out cancerous tissue. HIFU is less invasive that almost all other treatments and is particularly good for the surgery phobic. Ultrasound has recently been treated as a near-panacea for those working in certain medical fields, but HIFU remains a relatively unknown factor in prostrate treatments.
Though the options for treatment are many, it should be reiterated once more: Early detection is the key and is truly the cleverest of all prostate treatments.