Alternatives to Dinner and a Movie

So you have finally scheduled a time to meet that cute lady or gentleman from the office, but where to go on a date? The 21st century world of dating is a completely different world from the environment our parents grew up in. But there are many date alternatives.

For years a good date was dinner and a movie but that has changed. Many modern day daters realize that a movie is not the best place to get to know someone. You end up sitting in the dark and later discussing the movie, not each other. The ideal first date should be a place where both parties can sit down and actually get to know each other.

Even though this is the 21st century men are still often expected to pay for the first date. Although women are making as much, and in many cases more, than men they still expect the man to pick up the tab at the end of the date. Their argument is whoever asked for the date should pay, and since few women feel comfortable making the first move, men inevitably end up picking up the tab.

As men usually end up footing the bill, serial dating can get expensive, so if you are going to a restaurant it should be something not too expensive. This way even if the man never sees the woman again he does not feel hard done by. Some date alternatives are economically-priced restaurants such as Chili’s, TGIF and Applebee’s. A dinner for two usually doesn’t run more than $25 at these places.

Here are some other date alternatives:

�· Coffee shops. Places like Starbucks or small neighborhood coffee shops are great date alternatives. Most of them stay open late and have a relaxed vibe. There is often soft music playing so the couple can actually hear each other. Another advantage to this date alternative is that if one dater is not into dressing up you can come to a coffee shop dressed casual. Also, unlike a bar, coffee shops usually have decent lighting so both daters can actually see what they are getting! And if the man is picking up the tab, the price of this date alternative usually runs about $10.

Ã?· Bookstores such as Barnes and Noble or Borders are great date alternatives. These stores often work hand in hand with coffee shops. Bookstores are a relaxed place to meet for date alternatives. They are often quiet and have comfortable chairs for people to lounge around in. Also, if you set up a bookstore date your companion will be impressed by your intellect! And if you don’t buy coffee, the date essentially costs nothing.

Ã?· Gyms are another great date alternative. If you are an active person, you could ask your date to meet you for a workout session at your local gym. This is also an excuse to see what shape your date is in! Most gyms like LA Fitness have a variety of activities including spin classes, swimming pools and racquet ball courts. And many gyms such as Bally’s have juice bars. This would be a good place for the couple to talk after their work out session.

Ã?· Another date alternative is a picnic. If the weather’s nice grab a blanket, stop over at Subway and head out to the park or lake. The advantage to this date alternative is neither party has to get dressed up. Jeans and sneakers work just fine. And it also doesn’t cost much either.

Ã?· Finally, if you are more of a night owl, you can always invite your date to meet you for a few drinks at happy hour. Happy hour is usually full of professionals blowing off steam before they head home. The more rowdy, night-club crowd usually don’t show up until later in the evening. A couple of drinks shouldn’t cost more than $25.

Now you have plenty of date alternatives, all you need to do is find the lucky man or woman. Try some of the choices above, they worked for me!

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