American Flag Made Overseas

Today the ghost of Betsy Ross is restless as America’s flag is being sewn overseas and then imported to the United States. China is the last Communist giant, and was once a sworn enemy of America yet they lead the world in exporting the Stars and Stripes.
In 2003 the US imported six million dollars worth of flags from the rest of the world with the Chinese contributing $4.5 million to the imports. Another statistic of interest is that in 2001 flag imports topped out at $51.7 million with $29.7 million coming from the Chinese. In the four weeks following the tragedy of September 11th 2001 the US imported $34.8 million worth of American flags.
A question arises. Why is the United States allowing something so sacred to be produced by foreign nations? It is bad enough that American businesses are taking American jobs overseas but must we pledge an allegiance to the flag made in China?
For the past 10 sessions of Congress a bill has been introduced prohibiting the import of American flags, and for the past 10 sessions of Congress none of the bills introduced have ever been considered by any committee in the House of Representatives.
Our troops are fighting and dying today for the thing the American flag represents, democracy and freedom. They are not voluntarily going to war to allow foreign governments to profit from American patriotism. Thousands have not died in past conflicts, under the American flag, to give the Chinese the right to produce an American flag.
The Bush administration is facing a projected $140 billion trade deficit with the Chinese in 2005. You can be sure the Republicans are looking to even this out. With most Americans being unaware of just where their flag was produced. It is easy for the administration to quietly allow the continuing imports of the flag from China. A possible reason for allowing this type of import could be the Bush administrations desire to have an open trade agreement with China. With a population of well over one billion China offers a huge, and largely untapped market, for American business. The U.S. only accounts for 8.2% of China’s imports a number Bush would like to increase greatly. Putting a ban on China importing American flags to the United States might not sit too favorably with the Chinese.
Representative Ted Strickland from Ohio is the lone sponsor to H. R. 2410, a bill that prohibits the importation of foreign-made flags. Why no other elected leaders have endorsed this legislation poses a simple question.
The next time you have to purchase a flag try to make sure it is an American made one. There is no need to allow a nation like China, a communist nation, to make money off a symbol they would gladly see disappear.
Many of you are riding the wave of patriotism by supporting our troops with a ribbon magnet. Do you know where that magnet was produced? Once again the Chinese are making money off our patriotic hearts and our soldiers’ blood.
Post 9/11, and in our current state of war with Afghanistan and the Iraqi insurgents, we are all feeling patriotic. The sight of bloodied soldiers and flag draped coffins sears unsettling images into our souls on a nightly basis. Remember that ache you feel for our troops and country the next time you need to buy a flag or magnet.
For once, check the label, and buy American. A soldier is bleeding right now for your right to be able to buy anything in a free country.
Bless Them All.