American Idol: Tryout Tips and Inside Advice

I recently had a chat with a co-writing partner, producer, and long time legend, Amir Bayyan of the Khalis Brothers, and bassist of the group “Kool & The Gang.” Amir has been a legendary musician for many years and is also a close acquaintance of American Idol Judge Randy Jackson, and long time friend of Paula Abdul. I used this opportunity to gather tips on trying out for American Idol. After the brief conversation, here are a few tips that I was able to gather from the conversation:

1.) Try to get some sort of vocal training: You can join your local choir, your college choir, or just practice singing to music. If you’re going to practice singing at home without any training at all, pick up a micro cassette recorder at your local Best Buy, Target, or Office Depot, and record your sessions. Have someone listen to it, like a friend or a friend’s friend critique it. Do not have your mother listen to your tape because more than likely, she would rather lie to you, then tell you that you should never open your mouth again to hum a melody!

2.) First, find out the exact location of the American Idol audition in your city or state. Plan your travel time and expenses. If you cannot make it to the auditions scheduled for your area, try to make it to the next audition.

3.) Arrive as early as you can and make plans for your lodging: Some people have camped out on sidewalks, in their cars, or stayed in hotels.

4.) Bring lots of food/snacks, changes of clothing, toiletries, possible sleeping bag, pillows, a tent, water, honey, lemons, tea and tea cups. Also bring along a little cart to hold your items in for when the line starts moving.

5.) Make a few friends in line for company and comfort. Be friendly because you never know who may end up in the same hotel room with you in the semi finals before the final 20 are selected!

6.) Do not strain your voice by singing, or practicing too much! This can be lethal and embarrassing when it’s time for you to stand before the preliminary judges, who decide whether or not you will audition for Simon and the gang. If you have strained your voice, please make sure to drink room temperature water or a tea made from lemons and honey.

7.) Keep your neck and throat area protected from the possible cold elements. If it’s cold, snowing and or raining in your area when the tryouts are being held, please make sure to bring a nice, thick and plush scarf. Cover your throat and only let breath in warm air. Cold air is damaging to your voice.

8.) When its your turn to audition for anyone, such as the preliminary judges who pass you on to Simon, Randy and Paula, do not compare yourself to other artists, or say that you sound like Brian McKnight, when you sound like a screech owl being murdered by a bear! One contestant made a very bad mistake of comparing himself to this legend last year!

9.) Do not attend the auditions if you really can’t sing, or if you sound horrible because Simon will have no trouble at all telling you on national television that you sound like a dog whose been hit by an 18 wheeler!

10.) Do not wear a skimpy, or next to obscene outfit to the audition. Do not attempt to mask your insecurities and lack of talent by dressing like a prostitute! This will not get you any points.

11.) Do not have a singing/screaming contest with you fellow competitors. This is always bad and it can frighten other singers.

I am sure that if you follow these tips, you should have a smooth transition. These tips will not promise you a spot as a finalist, but they will help you get pretty pretty far!

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