An All-Around Workout for Busy Professionals

So you work over 50 to 60 hour a week. Do you find yourself lacking time to exercise? How about reading; when is the last time you had a chance to read a good marketing book. Read on and find out how to abridge your workout.
This workout assumes that you have some knowledge of the stretching, cardio and weight training exercises. It is not intended for beginners; beginners should receive hands-on instruction from qualified exercise personnel. Most exercise facilities have attendants that will give first-timers instruction for all equipment. In addition, before starting any exercise routine, you should first consult your physician.
Everyday – 2 to 4 minutes of muscle stretching. This can be done at the gym using a stretching machine or with any of the many other stretching techniques.
Day 1 – Cardio; 30 minutes of running, treadmill, elliptical, stair-stepping, swimming, or brisk walking. You can take your pick. Mix it up, try something different each time.
Day 2 – Cardio again.
Day 3 – Weight training consisting of 13 different body part workouts. Each exercise consists of 1 set, with 12 to 16 repetitions per set, and should take about 30 to 45 seconds to complete. Stick with a light weight at first, and move up as you feel comfortable. This goal is to tone up, not bulk-up. Try to take no more than a 2 minute rest between sets (exercises). If you follow this program you can be in and out of the gym in approximately 60 minutes. The starting exercises are listed below:
âÂ?¢ Chest – Fly or bench press
âÂ?¢ Shoulders – seated press
âÂ?¢ Shoulders – shrugs
âÂ?¢ Biceps – curls, your choice
âÂ?¢ Triceps – extensions, your choice
âÂ?¢ Forearm – wrist curls
âÂ?¢ Upper Back – seated row, pull downs
âÂ?¢ Lower Back – extensions (machine)
âÂ?¢ Legs – knee extensions
âÂ?¢ Legs – squats (machine)
âÂ?¢ Legs – curls
âÂ?¢ Calves – toe raises
âÂ?¢ Abdomen – incline sit-ups
Day 4 and 5 – Cardio again.
What makes this workout any different from other? The key to this workout regime is time management. The author starts work at about 7:30 AM and leaves for home at about 6:30 PM. With this type of schedule there is very little time for a workout. So when do I work out? At lunch.
Most busy professionals take at least a 90 minute lunch, whether they go with colleagues or not, so work this to your advantage. In the hustle and bustle of today’s career world it is important that you take time for yourself; put that lunch “hour” to work for you. Make it a top priority to choose the right workout facility.
Try to find a facility with multiple locations and ensure that there is one close to your home and your employer. This may not seem as easy as it sounds, however do not leave any stone unturned. There are many common facilities such as World Gym, California Fitness and the like as well as local chains. However, do not forget about the YMCA, churches and religious establishments, and even colleges and universities. Many churches and schools offer membership facilities for free or at nominal charge. Personally, I like the YMCA because most have an indoor pool and reserve lap lanes at all times of the day. With over 6 YMCA locations in my area, travel time one-way never exceeds 10 minutes. They also offer daycare for children and have activity rooms for teens and preteens. It is also important to pick a gym with shower facilities.
Let’s just say that you leave for a workout at 11:45 AM. Arrive at the gym at 11:55 AM. Change and get into your workout by 12:05 PM. Stretch till about 12:10 PM. Cardio until 12:35 PM. Cool down until 12:40 PM. Shower and change by 12:55 PM. Back to work by about 1:10 PM (1:15 PM at the latest). On weight training days you need to add 15 to 20 minutes to your workout.
So when do you read? Well, many cardio machines are set up for holding magazines or books. It takes a bit of getting used to, but one can become skilled at reading within the first several workouts. Not only can you catch up on precious, personal reading, it makes the workout “fly” by. Most facilities have a dozen televisions tuned to different channels. Bring you headset to listen and watch the local afternoon news, CNN, or the Sports Channel. I alternate between the reading and TV each workout.
You need actual food consumption to fuel the day. First, make sure you eat a proper breakfast. Then, about 10 minutes before you leave for a workout, eat a couple pieces of small fruit. Once a week I stop and buy 10 pieces of fruit. Mix it up and get pear, banana, apple, berries, kiwi, etc. Try not to duplicate any given fruit, this way you have something new to look forward to each day of each week.
I know what you’re thinking, 2 pieces of fruit will not hold me over until 7 PM. Well, when you get back from the workout, eat again. Balanced meals are important, but do not forget convenience. Pack a Healthy Choice meal that microwaves in minutes. If you want a high protein lunch, try some crackers and a 6-ounce can of all white meat chicken (and add hot sauce or lemon juice for flavor). Keep a bag of low fat tortilla chips in you desk drawer or file cabinet. Drink plenty of water. Get creative with you nutrition and remember to stay balanced. Energy supplement bars are also a good choice. Detour Energy bars are healthy and very tasty.
Some readers may have a boss or supervisor that will not go along with taking a 90-minute plus lunch-hour. So what can you do as an employee? Start by showing this article to them. They already know the amount of hours that you put in every week.
I have found that by following this routine my work productivity has gone up. This is not a personal opinion, but the observation (as comments and feedback) from the people around me. After the workout my mind feels fresh and my body feels loose.
Do not feel guilty if you cannot follow this routine on a daily basis. Business lunches sometimes enter the picture, as do errand days. Remember that you can workout before and after the work day and there are always weekends. SKIP A DAY IF YOU WANT! But get right back on the horse. We are all creatures of habit and exercise is a good habit.
Following this schedule can give you a generous workout in less than 8 hours a week, including travel time. It also gives you the much needed solitude time, to re-energize your batteries, which most of us are lacking.
Any products, associations, and businesses mentioned in this article are not endorsed by the author; they are merely listed as examples. And once again, please see your doctor before starting any exercise program.