An Attic Paradise: Remodeling for Extra Attic Space

When I bought my first home, I originally decided to open an in-home daycare. There was an attic, main level and basement. The basement was not really livable without much work but the attic, on the other hand was perfect for a master bedroom and an escape from the toys and clutter that often comes along with the joys of children. I wanted space that I could call mine so at the end of the day I could feel like I had a little retreat all to myself. Since most of the time attics are generally considered a place to store things that you really want but just don’t have the room for, I had some work to do with the remodeling process. The first thing I did when turning my attic into a room was clean everything out. I had to decide what I really could not live without and what I could defiantly do without. Though I still had the basement, there was a lot of moisture in the basement so keeping unwanted stuff was out of the question.

After cleaning out all the unneeded junk I had accumulated over the years, I begin the process of deciding how to remodel my attic. The first thing I had to decide was whether or not I wanted the floor to be carpeted. In my case, I choose carpet since I like to be barefoot and cold floors are not cool for bare feet. I decided on choosing a light colored carpet. Attics tend to be hot in the summer time since hot air rises and dark colors hold and attract heat. I went with a beige colored carpet and ran the carpet throughout the room and down the stairs.

I also decided to paint the attic since I wanted it to look like a real room. I choose a light beige color that went well with the carpet. Again I choose a light color because of the heating issues. I wanted to feel like I was at the beach at the end of the day!

The next thing I wanted to do was install a ceiling fan. As I stated previously, hot air rises. By installing a ceiling fan in the attic, I could circulate some of the hot air, pushing it back towards the down stairs. I actually choose to install two ceiling fans since the attic was rather large. This helped me make my lighting decision too. I chose ceiling fans with three light bulbs so I could see in all areas of the room.

The next thing I decided to do was choose windows. Since cooling and heating a home is a big issue, I went with brand new windows. Also I decided to go with insulated windows that kept hot and cool air in. I was not going to try and heat and cool the outside.

I chose blinds for the windows and curtains that had beach scenes for the windows. I was trying to create a small paradise or at least the appearance of a paradise. Since I was at home all of the time, I wanted one little part of the house that was different and mine.

All and all I would have to say my little paradise turned out perfect! I was pleased when I could finally escape there after long hours of taking care of children. I would have to say that attics are great for extra rooms!

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