An Interview with Ex-Dictator Ferdinand Marcos

He was then exiled in Hawaii and wanted to interview him because there were rumors then that he was actually financing a “come back” coup.
Those were the days when Corazon Aquino was president and she restored democracy after a civilian-backed military mutiny catapulted her to the Presidency. Of course, she was elected too in the so-called “snap election” which was rigged by Marcos and his cronies. That made both the people and the military mad.
Still, it wasn’t a state of peace and freedom at last. Right after Marcos was deposed, there were rumors that then Philippine Defense Secretay Juan Ponce Enrile was planning his own coup led by Colonels. This however,was never true, I learned later.
Anyway, there I was calling Hawaii. It was an aide that answered and I told him that I would wish to speak to “the President”. He was no loger president but you do not get an interview by being rude,particularly in the case of the Marcoses. I also knew that the Marcoses weren’t really “Monsters” (that’s why Imee Marcos is now in Congress). It is always the Marcos tradition to be polite to ALL, except for Imelda whho can be hilariously preachy at times – if not downright ridulous. Thus, it wasn’t she I wanted to speak with.
The aide on the other line said, “The President will talk with you now”. I said thanks and waited. After about five minutes, there was that familiar but weaker voice in the phone.
I asked, “Mr President, how are you?”. There is nothing like starting with pleasantries to make the other party comfortable.
He said, ” I am alright but it is my wish that I die in my own country. I want to tell you and please write this, that I did not want violence which is why I decided to leave. I want to come back even to Paoay (his region) and I did not know that when I was taken to the helicopter I would be sent to Guam….. “
Then I said, “But is there anything more you want to say? There are rumors of coup plots everyday… and your loyalists keep taking to the streets….”
He told me in a rather feeble but still fatherly voice, ” You know, I want peace. I call on all my loyalists to follow Gen. Ramos and Minister Enrile (Both who led the mutiny against him). ” I noticed he did not say anything about supporting President Corazon Aquino though. I didn’t ask why, I should have.
Anyway the interview was over and he asked me, “Hey what’s the name of that nice young girl… my loyalist supporter?”
I said. “Mr. President, her name is Annie Ferrer”.
“Will you give that girl my regards and kisses?”, he asked. I said yes of course – – it was really strange.