An Open Letter to the Bastions of the Conservative Media

Hi. My name is Anthony. I am a father, a husband, a teacher, a student and a part-time writer. I make no claim to inherent greatness or moral authority. Furthermore, I am not always right. Frequently, I am wrong. My wife will attest to this.

I say this because I come to you with no agenda save one: to ask a question that I would genuinely like an answer to.

I often come across your respective writings, radio and televison shows, and books. I’m sure they’ve made you comfortable.

I detect an overall theme regarding the Iraq War that I hope you don’t mind me pointing out. You all seem to be in full agreement that the War is, was, and will remain a good idea that will surely deliver us from evil. It is the way things ought to be. You all seem very adamant about this. So much so, that anyone who might disagree is considered weak and incompetent at best, and a slanderous traitor at worst.

But I must ask the question, what does your support cost you?

I can ask this question to any soldier on the front lines and he or she can give a litany of responses. Birthday parties, graduations, births, funerals, kids’ ball games, Dad’s pipe tobacco, Mom’s cookies, football with the guys, date night with the wife, in short, the miraculous everyday “stuff” of life.

Others can point to missing body parts, or show you pictures of their dead friends.

What about you?

What have you given up to support this war?

Scratch that. I’m sure all of you can point to something tangible you have given up. Maybe not body parts and dear friends, but something, I’m sure. Maybe you got a paper cut from the backing of your “Bush Cheney ’04” bumper sticker. Perhaps you broke a nail on your “I Support Our Troops” car magnet. Maybe after your vacation to a tropical locale, you bought a beer for a soldier in the airport while your luggage was going through customs. Good for you.

Maybe a better question is what would you give up?

Would you enlist?

Would you pay higher taxes?

Would you walk away from your careers and go to work at a munitions plant?

What would you do to support the war the hard way?

As the Bee-Gees asked, “How deep is your love?”

My email address is

I await your response.



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