Anastasia 5 Piece Brow Kit Review

The brow kit comes in a cute, pink-zippered pouch and it includes slant-edge tweezers, brow powder, duo angled spooley brush, brow gel and 4 brow stencils. Complete instructions on how to use the brow system are also included.
So what’s the big deal about eyebrows, you may be asking? For starters, well-shaped brow can completely change the look of your face. Unfortunately, many women either over pluck their eyebrows or ignore them completely.
If you’re a novice to the eyebrow world, the instructions that come with this kit make it easy. You first mark where your brows should begin and end – this is easy to do by matching one of the 4 stencils to your natural eyebrow shape. If you have over plucked, you may have to “draw” in where your brows should end. The brow powder (which comes in a choice of 5 shades) is then applied to the brows as you hold the stencil in place. Any stray hairs that aren’t covered with powder should be plucked away.
If you despise plucking you eyebrows, you will find that the tweezers that come with this kit work really well – even the smallest stray hair will come out quite easily. The Anastasia tweezers that come with this kit are really phenomenal and are well worth the price of the entire kit.
Once your brows are tweezed you can keep them in place by applying the brow gel that is included. Be careful not to apply too much gel – just a light touch is all that is needed.
For over plucked brows, Anastasia recommends a light brushing of brow powder over the bare spots. I personally find it noticeable when someone “draws” in their eyebrows, so I skip this step. If you must draw in your brows, consider doing it for night time only (during the day it may look obvious).
Once you do your initial tweeze, the upkeep is not all that hard. And while nothing compares to a professional eyebrow wax, this 5 Piece System is a great alternative that you can use at home.