Ancient and Modern Chinese History

In the 20th century in China Sun Yat Sun founded the Republic of China in 1911. Sun Yat Sun died in 1925. Chiang Kai Chek was the ruler who took his place and he was a very instrumental leader in the history of China. He used his strong personality and power to take leadership of Guamindong in 1927. He also led an anti-communist purge which led to the�¯�¿�½death of hundreds of thousands of people.�¯�¿�½
Mao Zedong and Zhou En Lai took over afterwards and in 1921 the Comunist Party was formed. In 1934 the Long March began and three years later Japan invaded China�¯�¿�½and proved how military advanced the Japaneses were. In�¯�¿�½the war thousands of Chinese people were slaughtered at Nanjing. In 1949 the Chinese finally�¯�¿�½fought back and the Chinese communists expelled the Japanese and Guamindong from China.�¯�¿�½�¯�¿�½
In 1949 the People’s Republic of China was formed. Several movements proceeded afterwards such as the “Let a Thousand Flowers Bloom”, the 1958 “Great Leap Forward”, and the 1966-1969 “Great Proletariat Cultural Revolution.” Reform continued with Deng Xiaoping and his reforms of the “Four Modernizations.” The sectors in agriculture, industry, sceince and military all went through overhaul and changes in modernization.Ã?¯Ã?¿Ã?½In 1989 the students protested for political change, not just economic change. This led to the horrible events at Tiananmen Square which were broadcasted live over the world to see. After Deng Xiaoping’s reign ended, Jiang Zemin took over, followed by Zhu Rongi and finally Hu Jintao.