Animal and Pet Rescues in Connecticut

Fairfield County, Connecticut Animal Rescues
Adopt-A-Dog, Inc ( cats and dogs)
They have many ways listed to help as a volunteer
Animal Adoption Network ( cats and dogs)
If you have an old car you need to get rid of, consider donating it to them. You will get a tax deduction and they will get a donation.
Canine Advocates of Newtown ( cats and dogs)
Join them for one of their fund-raises, such as a dinner theater evening.
The Danbury Animal Welfare Society, Inc. (DAWS) ( cats and dogs)
They sponsor a low cost spay/neuter program. They have many great events coming up See if you can attend one and give them a helping hand.
New Leash on Life (cats and dogs)
Check out the up coming events on the front page and see if you can attend one.
T.A.I.L.S. – The Alliance in Limiting Strays ( cats and dogs)
Shop their on line mall to support the shelter
Wildlife Orphanage (wild animal only)
They don’t have animals for adoption. Their mission is to return injured wildlife to the wild A great course to support.
Hartford County, Connecticut Animal Rescues
Animal Friends of CT ( cats and dogs)
Serves Fairfield and Litchfield Counties. They offer discount spay/neuter services and dog training classes.
Ferret Association of Connecticut, Inc.(ferrets only)
Read up here on ferrets and see if they are the right pet for you.
Litchfield County, Connecticut Animal Rescues
Animal Welfare Society of New Milford ( cats and dogs)
Meow, Inc (cats only)
Middlesex County, Connecticut Animal Rescues
Forgotten Felines (cats only)
They have some nice items available in their on line store.
New Haven County, Connecticut Animal Rescues
Animals for Life (cats and dogs)
Check the up coming events page. Some great things coming up. Help them by shopping in their on line mall. Some big name stores are there and they will get a donation based on your purchase
District Animal Control (cats and dogs)
They serve the towns of New London, Woodbridge, Orange, Bethany, and Prospect
Tolland County, Connecticut Animal Rescues
Tara Farm Rescue (horses, cows, pigs, rabbits, chickens, goats, dogs and cats)
They have some wonderful horses up for adoption. If that is what you are searching for, give them a look.