Animal and Pet Rescues in Massachusetts

Most of these are no kill shelters. They are all non profit, get no money from the government, and depend on donations to survive. If you are looking for a pet, check them out first. Or if you cannot adopt, consider making a donation, becoming a volunteer or a foster family. Or join the sponsor a pet programs that most of them have. If you have a pet that you cannot keep, don’t just through it out, Bring it to an animal shelter and give it a chance at a good life. The animal shelters are arranged by county. If you do not see one in your county, call the one nearest to you. IF they cannot help they will be glad to refer you to someone who can.

All State
New England Basset Hound Rescue ( Basset Hounds only)
Serves all of New England.

New England Pomeranian Rescue ( Pomeranians only )
Love Pomeranians? Consider adopting one from here. They serve all of New England.

Norwegian Elkhound Rescue/Referral of New England, Inc.( Elkhounds only)

MSPCA Animal Care and Adoption Centers ( all animals)
They have centers across the state including vet hospitals. Also make note of their poison control hot line number Check out the programs that help page and find out how to help without any out of pocket cost.

Bristol County, Massachusetts

Neponset Valley Humane Society (NVHS) ( cats, dogs and small animals)
Check out their sponsorship age and see if you can sponsor an animal in need.

Hampdon County, Massachusetts
The HopLine ( rabbits)
They have many rabbits for adoption and need foster families, so if you have experience with rabbits, give them a call. They have many up coming events listed See if you can attend one and give them a hand.

Middlesex County, Massachusetts

Baypath Humane Society (cats and cogs)
They are in need of foster families for cats and kittens. If you want to help, go to the site and purchase the calender and/or cookbook

Buddy Dog Humane Society ( Dogs and cats )

Norfolk County, Massachusetts

Boxer Buddies Rescue Inc. ( boxer dogs only)
They have several events coming up Check the events page and see if you can attend any of them. Also, check out the items for sale in their on line store. It is a nice way to show support.
They also need foster families and volunteers

Plymouth County, Massachusetts

A Helping Paw( cats, dogs, birds and small animals)
If you are looking for an animal shelter to help, this is it, They are in great need of help or they will be forced to close. Since they are the only no kill shelter in the area, it is extremely urgent that they get help ASAP. For as little as $1 you can make a difference. They also are in need of volunteers. If you have an old car you need tog et rid of, consider donating it to them. You get a tax deduction and they get a lot of help. Check out the site for details.

Suffolk County, Massachusetts

Alliance for Animals ( Dogs, cats and small animals)
They provide low-cost veterinary services.

Worcester County, Massachusetts

Bossler Humane Shelter ( all animals)
They are the largest no kill animal shelter in New England.

Second Chance Animal Shelter, Inc.( Cats, dogs and small animals)

Check their events page. They have a lot of things going on. See if there is one you would enjoy they have a low cost spay/neuter program

Sterling Shelter ( dogs and cats)
Check out the events page They have an interesting event in November, just in time for the holidays

Volunteer Humane Society ( Cats only)
They have a low cost spay/neuter program.

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