Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia Nervosa Questions Answered

What is anorexia nervosa?
Anorexia nervosa is a psycological disorder linked with eating were a person limits their eating to very little or to nothing. Anorexics also beleive they are overweight even when they are very thin.

What are some symtoms of an Anorexic?
Anorexics choose to not eat infront of people. They also usually become angry if someone asks them to eat multiple times. Leading to very aggresive mood swings and short tempers. Anorexics will also strongly refuse to eat sweets and will ask many times to cut their meal size.

How many people suffer from anorexia?
The National Institute of Mental Health says about 0.5 to 3.7 percent of women will be inflicted by anorexia at one point or another.

What is the source of the problem?
Though there is no real scientific answer I beleive that pop culture is to blame. In a society where models and beauty are glorified and women wear sheer clothing there is and always will be a pressure to look “perfect”. America values vanity too much and that is what leads to anorexia and other eating disorders for that matter.

What should you do if you think you or a family member have anorexia nervosa?
If you think you have a problem eating you should tell someone. A close friend, a sibling, or a doctor would probably be best. But before you ask for help you should want to treat yourself because it will be the better path. Do not fall into your grave for something that can be reversed. If you have a family member who you think is anorexic you should probably approach with caution because anorexics usually don’t let anything stand between them and their goal, if the person refuses to apply seek medical assistance. A strong family support is the key to overcoming anorexia.

What are some medical problems associated with anorexia nervosa?
Anorexia has many side effects including dehydration which can lead to kidney problems, bone problems eventually leading to osteoporosis, slow heart rate, low blood pressure, dry or brittle hair, muscle problems, and an upsert in growth. Anorexia has also led to many different malnutrition defects.

What is bulimia nervosa?
Bulimia nervosa(Bulimia) is similiar to anorexia as it is an eating disorder. Bulimia is also a psycological disorder. Bulimics eat a large amount of food in little time and then regurgitate the food. Bulimics lose control of their body and soon eating and purging becomes a daily habit. Bulimia is also involved with the misuse of laxitives.

How many people have bulimia nervosa?
It has been estimated that around 3% of women in the US will be diagnosed with bulimia. Most of these women are teens and college students. But this problem has also been associated with single mothers.

What causes bulimia?
Like anorexia bulimia has no scientific cause but as I have noted above I beleive it is the stress put on teenage women to look perfect that cause these eating disorders. We should value physical features a lot less.

What are some medical complications involving bulimia?
Repeated exposure to the chemicals in your stomach can lead to the erosion of the enamel on your teeth. It can also make you mouth sensitive to temperate foods. Vomitting can also cause soreness in your salivary glands. If your esophagus is exposed to these chemicals it can lead to ulcers and ruptures in your throat area. A woman’s menstrual cycle will also be affected by malnutrition.

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