Anxiety Medicine Effexor – An Addictive Drug?

A few years ago while living with my Mother in NJ along with my Husband and two children I had an anxiety attack. The first one that I had ever had and I thought I was dying. My Husband carried me in his arms and rushed me to the hospital. I could not breathe and my hands were stiff. I had never been so scared in my life! After this episode I went to many Doctors complaining of back pain,headaches, sinus problems,etc. After nearly every test given they could not find a single thing wrong with me. One day I was not feeling well so I went to one of those urgent care facilities.

The Doctor there asked me a question that no other Doctor had asked me before, How is your home life? Immediately my eyes swelled up and I could not stop crying. Oh my gosh, was my life this bad or was I just being over emotional? My Mother had suffered from depression since she was 12 years old and had been on medication ever since. I never really understood why she was so depressed and although she stated that it was a chemical imbalance I thought she was just faking it to get attention.

I told my Doctor about her and how she just sleeps all the time and is barely human. Was this the life that I was to lead? On medication to help with my emotional outbursts? I could not be a zombie with no emotions for the sake of my children I could not be like her! She was an embarrassment to all of us. We were ashamed of her. The mother who slept all day and never attended one of our special events growing up. I did not want to be on medication that was for sure! He then explained the whole chemical imbalance thing and that medication has come along way since the 1960’s. I made it clear that I did not want to be lifeless and he assured me that the medication Effexor was non addictive and if I were to come off of it no withdrawls.

Trusting him he started me on a low dose which then increased after a week. I have to admit that I felt more alive then I had felt in a very long time. It was like a veil had been lifted from over my eyes and I could feel emotions again. Everything I smelled or touched came alive with memories of my past. This lasted for almost 2 years. By now we had moved out of my Mother’s house and had one of our own. I began to feel like I did before the Effexor so I went to my new Doctor who decided to up the dose to double the amount I was taking. After 2 months I felt a little better but mostly still hazy, only I had gained 45 pounds in those 2 months! I had not changed anything about my diet and was exercising. I knew that I had to get off of the Effexor. So with no consultation with my Doctor I decided to go cold turkey. After all how bad can it be?

My previous Doctor clearly stated that it was a nonaddictive drug and had no withdrawl effects. So day one was ok, just a little moody. The next day I could not stop crying and I felt as if I was coming out of my skin. Oh my God what was I thinking? I could’nt stop shaking and everytime I would try to close my eyes I would have brain jerks. My whole body would jerk the whole night through. I cried and I screamed and I again thought as if I was going to die. I held strong for the next 5 weeks dealing with all that I have mentioned until I woke up one day and I felt good. I had a great day, felt alive and happy. This is where my road to recovery began. My Husband supported me every day and I thank God for that. I am doing wonderful now drug free. I will never go on an anti-depressent again! If I should feel down again I will turn to all natural solutions. If you or someone you know is depressed please consider all of your options and research the drugs before you go on them. You can find alot of forums on the web of people who will give you the up and up. Talk to several Doctors including one that specializes in homeopathic medications. You will be surprised how well they work and how much more compassionate these Doctors are! Your not crazy…..

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