Apartment Hunting Tips

Hunting for and apartment can be an exciting yet daunting experience. With a few good tips, however, finding an apartment, even your first apartment can be a rewarding experience. The following five apartment hunting tips are perfect for the first time hunter or a seasoned veteran. Read the tips, print yourself a copy and carry the tips with you as you go on your hunt. Keeping these tips in the front of your mind will help make apartment hunting a whole lot easier, faster and more productive.
Tip #1: Beware of tips. Especially if you are a first time renter, everyone under the sun will be happy to offer tips on how to score the perfect apartment. Beware whom your tips come from. Before you follow their tips, think about where they live. Is it somewhere you would like to live? Is their lifestyle one you would like to emulate? If not, their tips might not be ones you want to follow. Instead of finding the best apartment, their tips may have you counting the days until your lease is up!
Tip #2: To Have or Not to Have� a roommate, that is! Before you start looking for your ideal apartment, consider whether or not you want to live alone. Living alone has its advantages, but at the same time, so does having a roommate. Make yourself a list of pros and cons of both. See if the pros of sharing an apartment outweigh the pros of having your own apartment. Repeat the process with the cons. You may be surprised which one wins out!
Tip #3: Location, Location. Once you’ve figured out how much you can spend on an apartment, you need to figure out just how far away from work you are willing to be. And don’t just pick a number. Consider the time you may spend driving from your apartment to work and home again. Consider the cost of gas. Consider the traffic and alternate routes between the apartment and work. You may find some apartments are off the list and some others may find their way on!
Tip #4: Set your financial limits. Before you start hunting for an apartment in the classifieds, sit down and figure out how much rent you are willing and able to spend on this apartment. No sense getting your hopes up on a dream apartment if only to find out it will break the bank. Or, just the opposite! You may be able to afford a more expensive and more comfortable apartment than you think! Do the math first!
Tip #5: Observe your surroundings. Before you sign on the dotted line and move into the apartment of your dreams, take a few days or so to visit the apartment building or complex during different times. Observe the noise levels, traffic, cleanliness and parking availability of your apartment-to-be. If something does not suit your needs, ask yourself if it is a livable situation. If not, keep apartment hunting!