Apartment Hunting Tips for Students in Missoula, Montana

If you will be attending the University of Montana located in Missoula, Montana and won’t be living at home, then you will need to jumpstart you apartment hunt well before the school year begins. Missoula, Montana is a wildly unique Montana city that offers a lot of activities and fun, however, it also offers some of the highest housing costs in the state. This article will help you with your apartment search by offering you a bit of advice about where to look.

Housing Source Number One – Rental Agencies

The first source of finding a rental in Missoula, Montana is to use one of the many local rental agencies. These agencies handle the large apartment complexes, multiplexes, fourplexes, duplexes, and house rentals throughout the Missoula area. If you are planning on going to the University of Montana and have a car then these agencies can help you to find a house near amenities that you want. However, if you don’t have a car and you plan on using your bicycle for transportation these agencies can also help you to find rental property that is close to the University or public transportation.

One of the local rental agencies that has a long history of excellent service is Lambros Realty. Their website is located at http://www.labros.com. They offer both rental properties and properties for sale. On their site you can search their database for the type of rental that you want, as well as the price range you are interested in. Other property management companies in Missoula include Bitterroot Property Management (406) 549-9631, Missoula Property Management (406) 251-8110, Garden City Property Management (406) 549-6106, and Caras Property Management (406) 543-9798.

Housing Source Number Two – The Missoulian

The Missoulian is Missoula’s local daily newspaper. This paper is a great source of finding current rentals that are available to rent. Like most other college towns it is more difficult to find a rental when school is in session then it is during summer vacation. Because of this it is a good idea to find a rental during the summer months of the year and relocate to Missoula in June or July instead of waiting until the end of August. This will not only help you to find a place easier, but it may also help you find a more affordable rental. If you live in or around Missoula then you can purchase a copy of the Missoulain from most gas stations and grocery stores. If you live out of the area you can view a copy of the Missoulian online at http://www.missoulian.com. You will find the largest rental listing in the Sunday edition, which is available online all week long.

Housing Source Number Three – University of Montana Student Housing

Student housing is another options that you might want to consider when finding a place to live while going to school. This is especially the case if you are a Freshman or have a family, as student housing can provide you with an affordable place to live without the stress of apartment hunting. Student housing is structured to meet various living preferences and needs including non-alcoholic, Freshman, Upper Classman, Married, Family, Single Sex, and Co-Ed residences. If you plan on utilizing student housing you will want to make sure that you submit your application and payments by deadlines or earlier, as student housing is assigned on a first come first served basis. For more information about student housing you should visit your college counseling, your high school counselor, or visit the University of Montana’s website at http://www.umt.edu.

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