Appreciation for Stay at Home Moms

You often hear about how people think that stay at home moms have a wonderful easy life or that it isn’t a real job. In reality it isn’t just fun and play despite what some people think. It is like a career within itself to be a stay at home mom. They have a variety of things to get accomplished throughout the day just like anyone else.

Stay at home moms have the responsibility of taking care of the kids along with driving them to and from activities. Washing clothes daily also takes hours and hours unless you have more than one washer and dryer. Cooking breakfast in the morning and also lunch along with dinner is also time consuming depending upon the number of family members you have in the household.

Shopping for food and other items for the house takes a few hours of shopping. It is very time consuming more than we often realize. Completely cleaning the inside of the house is another big one. Taking care of the outside of the house such as the garden and also the yard work and trees along with mowing the lawn takes allot of time.

It is adds up to an 8 hour work day and most of the times it is more than an 8 hour work day during the week. They often have to multi task throughout the day. The holidays are also an difficult time for stay at home moms in addition to the normal amount of work required during the normal work week.

It is allot more difficult to accomplish everything while being a stay at home mom cause it isn’t like a regular job where we just do a few things throughout the day . How many of us have jobs that require us to clean plus also cook and drive people around also do other little odd jobs that need to be accomplished throughout the day ? Most of us with regular jobs just do only a few things throughout the day that we are assigned to do.

Stay at home moms are often pulled in five different directions to do things in a small certain amount of time. It is amazing that they can keep up with it all throughout the year especially during the holiday season. It makes it ten times more difficult when mom has to take care of a sick child and also manage to get the regular work for the household.

It takes allot for someone to keep being a stay at home mom for years since it is such a stressful job day after day. We often take things for granted the people who work hard to help make things easier in our life.

Being a stay at home mom has advantages and disadvantages to it like everything else does. We need to appreciate the stay at home moms cause of all the hard work they accomplish. They get just as tired as we do by the end of the busy work week.

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