Are We Innately Bisexual?

For the next few weeks I felt like I was sorta bisexual or rather on the edge of being a bisexual. I started to find girls attractive! I mean I’ve always been aware of a pretty girl when I saw one but I’d never thought of how I’d love to kiss her! It even got to point of not minding being in a relationship with girl. Years before this incident I had another dream where I did stuff with.. or rather to a girl but I didn’t sorta become bisexual! I didn’t become attracted to girls. Why was this incident different then? I mean for a month or so I was basically bisexual- I didn’t act upon it though. That would have been interesting.. So was it just a phase? If it was then why does it seem to be starting up now once again?
The first time it happened I tried to figure out why. I started to think it had something to do with my spiritual work- my quest to enlightenment. Perhaps the closer I got the more I realized the true me. Then I began to wonder if everyone is supposed to be bisexual. Why should love know gender? Why should gays fall madly in love with straights and vice versa if there’s no chance of them being together? (Seems kinda harsh). Why should love have anything to do with physical characteristics? Are we innately bisexual but due to the way society is in general about homosexuality, we’ve repressed this side of us from lifetime to lifetime that now most of us are barely aware of it?
Part of achieving enlightenment or ascension as I most like to call it involves achieving a balance between the feminine side and the masculine side. And when that happens what will stop me from becoming a full blown bisexual? Maybe that’s what’s happening to me right now! Well.. I guess time will tell.
So could we be innately bisexual? What do you think?