Are You Ready for an Emergency


Introducing Ready Freddy, the first ever


Emergency Preparedness Kit

Most people never consider preparing for the possibility of a disaster – UNTIL IT’S TOO LATE. With this year’s hurricanes, floods, power outages, and ice storms the need to be prepared is essential. Even the Department of Homeland Security suggests getting prepared. Whether in the home, car, boat, or RV, every person should get prepared and be ready for whatever disaster may be looming. And now the best way to get ready is with a Ready Freddy Emergency Preparedness Kit.

Ready Freddy Emergency Preparedness Kits are the first emergency kits available on the market requiring NO BATTERIES whatsoever. In case of an emergency, most people never think about how they will power radios, flashlights, or even their cell phones, but Ready Freddy has solved the problem forever.

Besides being completely battery free, Ready Freddy is enclosed in an easy to store backpack and is the most unique kit in that it is organized into five clearly marked and color-coded bags.

The green bag, labeled LIGHT*POWER*COMMUNICATIONS, contains a flashlight (which is charged by shaking end to end for 30 seconds to provide 20 minutes of light), a Dynamo radio and lantern (which is charged for 20 – 30 minutes by using a hand crank for only 30 seconds), a cell phone charger with adaptors for most cell phones (also charged by hand crank – 2 minutes will provide 6 to 8 minutes of talk time), a 48-Hour emergency candle, waterproof matches, and a 3-in-1 emergency light to plug into a wall to serve as a low-level night light. This light will illuminate if the power goes out and can also be used as a flashlight.

The gold bag, labeled TOOLS*SUPPLIES*FOOD*WATER, contains a multi-function tool, an emergency gas shut-off tool, work gloves, duct tape, rope, and an emergency supply of food and water to last up to three days. Located directly behind the green and gold bags is a blue pouch which holds plastic sheeting to secure an average-sized room, as well as an emergency preparedness booklet.

The blue bag, labeled PROTECTION, includes a 4-function signal whistle with thermometer and compass, two emergency blankets, two hooded ponchos, five duct/particle masks, and waste/trash bags. The red bag, labeled FIRST AID, includes a 68-piece first aid kit and a quick reference first-aid guide. The final bag in the kit is the black bag, labeled PERSONAL. The personal bag includes a pen and pad of paper, a deck of playing cards, a pill organizer, and room to store any other personal item which may be needed in case of an emergency.

Available on-line at, Ready Freddy Emergency Preparedness Kits come equipped with an over-the-door storage hook to enable the user to hang the kit in a convenient location, or the Ready Freddy kit can be opened and stored flat, under the bed, for easy access.

National Preparedness Month is a nationwide effort held each September to encourage Americans to take simple steps to prepare for emergencies in their homes, businesses and schools. National Preparedness Month 2006 is being co-sponsored by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and The American Red Cross. Throughout September, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and the American Red Cross will work with a wide variety of organizations, including local, state and federal government agencies and the private sector, to highlight the importance of emergency preparedness and promote individual involvement through events and activities across the nation.

The goal of National Preparedness Month is to increase public awareness about the importance of preparing for emergencies and to encourage individuals to take action. During September, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, the American Red Cross and the National Preparedness Month Coalition Members will ask all Americans to take some simple steps to prepare for emergencies including getting an emergency supply kit, making a family emergency plan, being informed about different threats and getting involved in preparing their communities.

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