Are You Too Old to Have a Baby?

If you are really considering having a baby and you are 35 and older getting in to shape before getting pregnant is a must. Not just fore the baby but for you as well. Once you have the baby you will need to have a lot of energy and stamina. This is a lot tougher at 35 than it is at 25. But if you are in good shape it will help. Also another thing that you may want to take into consideration is that by the time the baby is a teenager you will be about 50 or older if you are over 35. Are you really going to have the energy to keep track of a teenager at that age? Some parents say yes of course I could, but they fail to think about the fact that at 50 you can begin to have a lot more health problems than you did ten years ago.
I am not saying that anyone over the age of 35 should not have a baby. There are just a lot of risk factors to think about. Also take into consideration your baby. You will not have the energy to interact with this baby the way that you would like, no matter how much you try. That is unless you are in the best shape of your life and plan on staying that way for the next 18 years. This would actually be a good thing if you could actually do it. What really upset’s me are the people who want to have a baby at an older age, and they already have health problems which limit their abilities to do certain things.
For example I had a friend who already had a very beautiful daughter who was almost ten. She decided that she wanted to have another baby even though she has several health problems. Her reason was because everyone around her was having one and she wanted one too. I really do not think that this is a good enough reason to have a baby just because everyone else is doing it. Oh and I should also point out that she is 38 and those people around her that are having babies are all in their 20’s.
Sometimes people need to just be happy with what they have. Why put yourself and an innocent baby at risk, just for your own selfish reasons? No baby deserves to be born this way. But I do want to also point out that there are mothers who are in their 40’s and they really make it work. So I guess it really depends on the individual and what is best for you and your family. Only you know what your body is capable of, so the final decision is yours. Just make sure that you take the time to think things through thoroughly.