Are You a Candidate for Weight Loss Surgery?

Weight loss surgery is all over the news. It seems like there are so many famous people having weight loss surgery. You see the before and after results and think that it must be an easy and quick way to shed the excess pounds and that anyone can sign up for the surgery. However, there is more to being a good candidate for weight loss surgery than being overweight. In addition, weight loss surgery is not quick and easy. It takes work and discipline to make it work. It is not a quick fix and it is not for everyone.

So, if you are thinking about weight loss surgery, you should know how doctors determine whether or not you are a good candidate for this surgery. Not everyone makes the cut. There are guidelines set to determine the degrees of obesity and a good surgical candidate must meet these guidelines. Candidates for weight loss surgery also must not be under the age of 18 and should be in generally healthy condition. These guidelines are adhered to so that patients experience optimal results following their surgery.

Weight loss surgery seems like a good way for those who are obese to shed the extra weight. However, it is important to remember that obese means 100 pounds or more overweight. In addition, these types of surgeries offer patients gradual results, often taking at least a year to see the difference. For many, weight lose surgeries are a last resort when all other diet and exercise methods have been tried and failed. It is important for health care professionals to stick to the guidelines for weight loss surgery patients. When you go to the doctor and talk to him or her about weight loss surgery, the doctor will carefully assess you and your health to determine if your outcome would be good.

First and foremost, the ideal candidates for any weight loss surgery must be over the age of 18. Those who are younger are not ready to have a drastic surgery for weight loss. Children’s bodies are still changing and developing. Parents of obese children should try to encourage other methods of weight loss. Doctors will not even consider anyone under the age of 18.

The next guideline regarding weight loss surgery is that patients that qualify for weight loss surgery by being overweight. Patients should rate as “morbidly obese” on the mass body index. This index takes a person’s weight and height into consideration and finds what the person’s ideal body what is before surgery. Those who measure 40 or more on the mass body index are generally good candidates for the surgery. Sometimes, doctors will perform the surgery on these who are considered severely obese, or rates 35 to 39.9 on the index, if the person is exhibiting obesity related illnesses. Sorry, but if you have only 40 or 50 pounds to lose, you will not be considered for this type of surgery.

Another characteristic of a good weight loss surgery candidate is a person who has been obese for at least five years and has tried several other forms of weight loss without success. Those who have been overweight for less than five years may be experiencing temporary weight gain due to lifestyle changes, stress or depression. In addition, patients should also have tried other methods of weight loss without success. These attempts should be sincere efforts. Doctors want to make certain that people are not turning to weight loss without trying to control their weight through diet changes and daily exercise.

Also, a good candidate for this type of surgery is a person who is sincerely committed to making a change. It is very important to remember that any type of weight loss surgery requires a complete lifestyle change, so a potential surgery patient should be ready to make this kind of commitment. That means that you will have to stick to the diet that is given to you and will have to exercise. In addition, many doctors will recommend that weight loss surgery patients seek the advice of a dietitian and a therapist to help them overcome the obstacles of drastic weight loss.

In addition, weight loss surgery patients should not drink alcohol on a regular basis. This can hamper weight loss attempts and lead to problems with the digestive system following surgery. If you drink on a regular basis, you will have to give up alcohol to be considered an ideal candidate.

A good candidate for weight loss surgery should be in overall good health. Over a long period of time, obesity can cause health problems such as hypertension type 2 diabetes, strokes, sleep apnea, and joint problems. A good weight loss surgery patient should be relatively healthy and not suffer from life-threatening diseases or illnesses. This is to ensure that they get the best medical care as possible. Those that suffer from medical conditions may find that the problem worsens after weight loss surgery. This is when your doctor will need a complete health history from you. It is important to let your doctor know of any health issues prior to surgery.

Lastly, weight loss surgery patients should not be pregnant and should not be planning on getting pregnant. With some weight loss surgeries, it is not recommended to become pregnant at all after the surgery. With the Lap-Band, a patient should wait 12 to 18 months after the surgery before considering pregnancy.

Weight loss surgery is a good option for those that need to lose a significant amount of weight. However, you should meet the guidelines before setting out to have the surgery. You will need to be committed to making a complete lifestyle change in order to have a successful surgical outcome. If you are unsure, talk to your doctor about whether or not you meet the guidelines for this type of surgery.

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