Artist’s Murals Make Four Walls Come Alive

Lori Fagen of Highland Village, TX can bring the beach or the circus to your bedroom.

Owner of Murals Anywhere, she paints from the home, to the dentist, to the daycare creating detailed and unusual murals.

A garden wall, for instance, engulfs 14′ wide and 15′ feet high at the peak and includes green and blue in its main colors.

Fagen, a native of Newton, Illinois, has had most recent murals at Kiddin’ Around Daycare in Frisco, TX, Lakeside Montessori School, Coppell Pediatrics, and a dental office, among others. She also has experience in sports murals such as the Dallas Stars Hockey team, snowboarding, and Hockey Locker, besides others.

One sewing room mural Fagen created has two women dressed in old-fashioned long dresses visiting each other by a blue water creek under a huge oak tree with green grass at their feet. A sun porch mural has a painted cobblestone walkway going into the painting creating a deep effect. A south Fort Worth dining room mural has trees intertwined with branches stretched out near the top of the painting. A creation called a “Bedroom Beach” displays palm trees and sunshine in its mural complete with the depiction of white sand and painted waves of the ocean in the far background.

A bedroom ocean mural gives you and up close and personal view of intricate beach waves.

One girl named Claire had her room done in a mural by Fagen featuring The Wild complete with a Cheetah lounging across a large tree branch on one wall. Another customer’s daughter Madigan had a pink theme in her mural with roses and fairies, their wings proudly displayed on the white backdrop of one of the walls. A baby’s room Fagen created featured teddy bears and ballet slippers against a green and white setting. In Erica’s room fantasyland comes to life with a castle painted in the background of the mural among other items.

Other specialties of Fagen’s include a little red wagon filled with toys, s mural scroll with ivy leaves on each side, leaping frogs, frog and cattails, and a solar system ceiling. A ballet mural features a pink-clad ballerina dancing on the walls. Fagen also does waterfalls and a walk in the forest with tall pine trees amongst her numerous creations.

You can order a Beach Side Room like the Galveston Beach House with palm trees in various positions or have a huge sandcastle painted on one wall. Underwater enthusiasts may enjoy the scuba diving mural complete with coral reefs.

Fagen also does logos and has links to more of her art on her website and you can lay out your own mural or with Fagen.

For more information call 972-754-9184 or email

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