As Good as it Gets

Unearthing an originally refreshing romantic comedy is as rare of an incident as you could hope for when browsing the isles of the video store.

For those of us that can appreciate a rare occurrence in a predictable breed, As Good As It Gets is exactly that; brutal, unforgiving, sweet, sincere, and honest all in one package.

For those of us who are sick of the overlooked perfect nice guy who gets the girl, As Good As It Gets is far from that. How many of us are perfect? None. We all have flaws, weaknesses, and problems.

Although we may understand that, we all think our flaws, weaknesses, and problems are worse than most. This movie’s main characters are far from perfect making it easy to relate to them.

The characters are so well rounded that the viewer not only gets to know them, but also builds a relationship with them. After seeing this movie you’ll know the main characters like good friends. You’ll know what makes them happy and sad, what scares them, their flaws weaknesses, strengths, and needs.

Jack Nicholson disappears into the character Melvin Udall, a severely flawed, extremely compulsive person and at the same time a sucessful writer. Melvin is able to put strings of words together and please thousands of people with his novels, but with no time to edit he’s not so smooth face to face.

Everytime it seems people start to like him he ends up blowing it with an offensive and shocking thought that will make you laugh and then suck you into his shoes feeling awkward and nervous.

This just in…Greg Kinnear doesn’t have to play a jerk to be a convincing actor. Kinnear plays Simon, a passive gay artist whose misfortune puts him at the mercy of Melvin’s assistance.

Melvin, being the insensitive miserable old man that he is, doesn’t make their time together easy. Melvin’s gay jokes and stereotypes are funny at Melvin’s own cost and not the gay community by confirming your impression of Melvin as a jerk with each remark.

Carol Connelly, played by Helen Hunt, is a kind yet tough waitress whose personal life is altered by the care she must give to her sick son who means everything to her.

Melvin helps Carol and her son, but not in the name of kindness. Instead he does it so his daily routine isn’t altered. After being helped by Melvin, Carol views Melvin as a very kind human being, but that dosen’t last long when Melvin once again sticks his foot in his mouth.

The acting is superb, the plot flows beautifully without being predictable, and the end isn’t overblown. As Good As It Gets is just that; as good as it gets.

Movie Rating: PG-13
Scale Rating: 5

Scale Ratings
0- Better off bored
1 – Only if it’s free
2- Not bad if you’re bored
3- Good, it has its moments
4- Great, you have to see this one
5- Excellent, It doesn’t get any better

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