As Seen on TV Product Review: Table Mate

Pros of Table Mate
Table Mate has many advantages as a multi-use product. First its surface can be adjust to many different angles. This allows it to be used as a writing surface, an eating surface, and a storage surface. Secondly it can be adjusted to various heights from shin level to couch level. This is a very useful feature as it can be adjusted to meet the height needs of the user, as well as the height needs of a person’s furnishings. The third advantage of this product is that it has a generous sized work surface, which can be used for writing, dining, or as an end table.
I have personally used this product for several different functions, and in several different rooms in my apartment. The first use that I tried it out as is as a writing surface. The design of the Table Mate allows its feet to slide under a couch, recliner, or chair. This brings the work surface close to the person. You don’t have to skew your body to use this product. It also can be positioned in the middle of a couch to act as a dual end table that can be used by two people sitting on the couch. This is a great product for movie watchers who want to position a bowl of popcorn or snacks as well as a couple of drinks between two people. (A great product for sports season and the Super Bowl.)
The second place that I used this product is in my bedroom. I have a waterbed and this product is able to slide under the platform far enough that it brings the work surface slightly over the mattress of the waterbed. This allows the Table Mate to act as a writing surface, or as a nightstand. With all of the features and possibilities that this product offers, it is a great bargain for a retail price under $30.
The Drawbacks of the Table Mate
While I sing the praises of this product, there are a few drawbacks. The first drawback is that it only comes in one color, white. While this is not a major drawback, if your décor is dark this product sticks out. Its design is mostly functional, and it is not one of the prettiest pieces of furniture. The second drawback is that the feet are only able to be positioned in one direction. This makes it difficult to position under some pieces of furniture that have shallow platforms or clearance issues. The final drawback is that there are only a few places that this product can be found at. This problem will probably correct itself with time, however, now there are only a few department stores that offer the Table Mate, as well as online stores.