Athletic Hairstyles for Active and Adventurous Women

Double braids work well with medium to longer hair lengths as they both keep the hair out of the face and off of the neck. Using a comb, trace a straight part down the back of the head and secure one of the two sections with an elastic band. Begin braiding by separating the remaining segment of hair into three equal sections. Braid hair by alternately pulling each of the outside sections of hair toward the center, over the middle section. Continue braiding hair until only an inch or two remains at the bottom of the braid. Fasten the end with an elastic hair band and repeat for the second braid. For best results, braid hair while it is still damp from the shower unless sporting events are during cold winter months. (Consider doing this same style with French braids if you know how.)
Using elastic headbands, pull hair back from forehead and tie it up into a high ponytail for the best and easiest off the neck, out-of-the-eyes style. Elastic bands work best for ponytails because plastic and metal clips can sometimes cause injury if sporting accidents occur.
Mini-braid mania – Using tiny rubber bands made specifically for hair, braid bangs or front section of hair split into tiny sections, one by one. Depending on hair’s length and personal preferences, braid one or two rows and tie the rest back into a ponytail. For those with much time on their hands or a whole bunch of friends to help out, braid the entire head! If desired, use hairspray or gel to strengthen the hold. Consider using an elastic headband or other alternative to keep braids against the top of your head and off of your face.
Improvised headband – If elastic headbands are not among the selection of barrettes and clips in your personal hair care inventory, don’t worry. Try to get some pre-wrap from your team’s athletic trainer if possible, or barring that, find an old T-shirt and cut off one sleeve. Cut the sleeve again, but just at the seam that stitches it from bicep to armpit. Open up the sleeve and cut tiny strips about one-half inch thick and the entire length of the sleeve, starting the scissors along the edge where you just cut the seam. After cutting the strips, pull fabric gently but firmly to tighten and tie around head, holding hair down securely. This improvised fashion statement could actually accommodate your entire team with hair bands for all, if cutting both sleeves of an old T-shirt.
As a fun tradition, get a few friends together before the game and help each other with an athletic hairstyle. Braiding each other’s hair to keep it out of the eyes and off the neck can provide some relaxing downtime just prior to the opening whistle while putting everyone in a positive mood. Help each other get psyched up and ready to play!