Auras and Personalities

Aura is the supervisual reflection of the energy field emanating from the surface of a person or object in the form of deflected, consanguineous or trace-recepted externalized energy. Aural manifestation is visualized as a halo or translucent mist of cascading color and is believed to be a visual exegesis of the subject’s soul vibrations, chakric emergences, intuitive discharge, personality exudation or even a collection of both intrinsic and encompassing energies.

Some auras can be seen readily with the naked eye by anyone perceptive enough to notice. Others require the enlisted assistance of a trained medium. A few individuals with either heavy mirroring, walling skills or an aural deficiency due to natural or environmental imbalance require use of a rare type of photography called Kirlian Photography.

Renowned psychics Edgar Cayce once delivered the shocking revelation that any attentive individual could see auras, but the ability to do so weakens with age, inferred skepticism, or lack of use. It has since been determined that with training and practice, this skill could be redeveloped and attuned. The first rule of thumb for developing aural consciousness is the acceptance of the complexity of an aural matrix.

The complex layers of color within an aura indicate specific psychic anatomy, including the indication of plausible dominant traits patterns and personality framework conclusions. Modern and New Age aurologists conjectify the aura as a super-electromagnetic field around an object or individual which creates each unique color effect, similar to a socio-psychic fingerprint. This embodiment of person and event has been embraced for what it is; a relative study in connection and circumstance.

To create an easier understanding of the types and colors of auras, many Auric Healers and Therapists such as Cathy Ginter from The Safe Harbor Center for Spiritual Healing have instituted charts and descriptions to assist lay individuals in understanding the complexities of an aural matrix and the implications such colors might represent. Darker versions of the standard aural color chart might include browns, grays or blacks, which can occur as minute satellites of energy within the person’s aura. Sometimes, an overabundance of veining, crazing, pollution, or even sediment in the aural frame appears to cast a dark halo over the aura, changing the base of the aural demarcation by indicating resonant negativity or regression from emotion. It is plausible to view this common anomaly as lack of acceptance, spiritual hermitism, or withdrawal from one’s self.

The most common colors for auras are indicated below. Each has a brief interpretation, but as with any definition, placement in the matrix is key:

Resembling fresh lavender petals after a gentle rain, Violet White, like ultraviolet light, is perfect light; an assemblage of all colors of the aural spectrum. This is a healing color, a full acceptance of the individual’s wholeness and the metamorphosis from the cacophony of confliction to the peace of harmonic existence in love as opposed to resistance. The violet white aura is one of humility; teaching us to open ourselves through sacrifice and compassion to the purity of the Crown chakra as a servant of the central Universe. Be!

The next color in the spectrum of the rainbow, Indigo, is a spiritual color. It encourages the spiritual growth of an individual as part of a greater incarnation. We are all a part of the collective Source, souls within a deeper energy that pulses as mass, and thus must accept and surrender to the invocation of this cyclic reality. Our potential to affect one another through this collective spirit is part of the Indigo aura. Through Indigo, our Third Eye Chakra is awakened and opened so that we may envision a peaceful existence for the whole of Earth. Peace!

Blue is the energy of the master; the intuitive spiritual teacher who leads others to an enlightened sense of being. With patience, blue invokes comfort, soothing the soul through its cool flow which envelopes the individual with inner sanctuary and happiness. Blue invokes the chakra of the Throat, that we might all become teachers through our unique voice of veracity through maxim. Teach!

To be green is to be communal with nature and healing. Green is renewal. Green is a nurturer. Green is the shade of the grass which blankets the ground and the deep forests lush with life. Green is the valley that is cradled by hills and teeming with life, and green is the life giving chlorophyll which pulses through the leaves creating food that creates the cycle of existence. Green is fertility of the mind, imagination and creativity for writers and artists and dreamers. Green sends pulsing the chakra of Heart and encourages giving and growing. Grow!

A yellow aura is one of intelligence. Those with a yellow aura are inspirational and intriguing, encouraging those affected to act with assertion. Yellow is the aura of hope and action; those with a yellow aura have an active immunity and welcome an opened Solar Plexus chakra leading up the spine to the empowered brain. Think positive!

The warmth of the cook fire and the great sun balances the orange aura. This aura belongs to a passionate yet ambitious individual who is emblazoned with energy and action. Orange is the key to opening the Sacral chakra with courage to do what needs done to motivate and determine. Do!

Red is the aura for emotion. Passion, fear, anger, sexuality, what is the most extreme emotion you feel? The Root chakra is at the heart of the red aura with an energy that is as true to us as our blood. Red can be used to do great works or great damage. Being our root, it keeps us grounded to the physical plane of existence but forces us to the reality that we must atone for our actions.

Some individuals like to mix the colors of the exterior to reflect aural resonance. These individuals play to balance the light in a harmonic mix of creativity and personality. No application of fashion can alter the resonating aura, however. It is strictly a reflection of the soul and can not be tricked to perception by choice in attire or even hair tint. Auras are an energy beyond simple light, and theoretically play a part in the wraith shade post mortem. Overall, the reading of auras gives us a glimpse into the intangible soul, a vision incredible in the age of enlightened understanding and should be taken as a tool for growth not a determination of set pathways.

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