Autumn Activities for You and Your Children

Summer is quickly coming to a close, and the time you get to spend with your children will quickly become even more precious than before. With school starting, and your children’s weekday nights filled with homework, time for family fun will quickly become regulated to the weekends. Before Friday night movies with friends and Saturday parties take even more of your child’s social life out of your grasp, try and have fun with a few of these different ideas.

Fall Fun Idea # 1: Fall Camping

Believe it or not, one of the best times to go for a camping trip with your children is during a fall weekend. The trees are on fire with the changing colors, and animals are still out in force and easily seen on your hikes. In addition, you don’t have to worry as much about getting overheated during the day, since the temperatures during the day will be a comfortable range of 50 – 70 degrees. Also, many campgrounds offer reduced rates during the fall season to drum up business.

Fall Fun Idea # 2: Go For a Drive

Perhaps the idea of driving for hours with your kids in the back seat doesn’t sound like a fun idea, but hear me out. Go for a Sunday drive with the windows rolled down, and just see what happens. Chances are the fragrant wind, the bright, warm colors, and the ever changing scenery will be a relaxing change of pace. And just think if you or your children see something that is worth investigating, there is absolutely no reason why you can’t just stop the car and take a quick look around.

Fall Fun Idea # 3: Fall Carnivals

Believe it or not, carnivals don’t stop with the end of summer. Many small towns have festive and fun little carnivals that have the potential to bring a small to your face, and perhaps a stuff animal under your child’s arm. Take a quick look on the INTERNET, and chances are you’ll be able to find some great little festivals or street carnivals that will fill your Saturday with some great times.

Fall Fun Idea # 4: Take in a Football Game

The roar of the crowd; watching the wide receiver leap into the air to make the touchdown catch; listening to the crunch of the defensive line as it crashes through to tackle the quarterback. What could be better than a game of football on a Saturday night? The simple answer is watching a football game from the bleachers. A high school football game is a great way to show your school spirit, and spend some great time with your kids. To top it all off, the games are usually free. Just be ready to spring for hot chocolate when the night gets a little colder, and throat lozenges for when your voice begins to crack during the third quarter.

These are but a few of the ideas that you and your children can explore when the fall colors start to blaze across the sky. Use your imagination and chances is you’ll be able to find something that everyone will enjoy.

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