Avoid Harming Your Bird with These Common Household Items

Having Birds in your home is a wonderful thing. Waking up to their beautiful signing is a nice way to wake up. If you treat your bird nice, and cherish it, you will have a good friend for the rest of your life. While it takes a while to get a bird to trust you or bond with you, once you get it, you have it for ever. In your home there are many items that can harm your bird, usually resulting in death.

Tobacco is harmful to everyone, and it amazes me that people think its any different to your birds. They have very small nostrils, which makes it even more dangerous for them. Even small traces on your hands when you pick them up can become very harmful. If you smoke please do this outside of your home, or in a room where your bird is not in and has good ventilation. Wash your hands before you touch your bird or any of their items.

There are many house plants that are very harmful to your pets. Almost all your Christmas plants such as mistle toe and poinsettias are harmful. Other things are holly berries, oleander and daffodil. If you are ever in doubt about a plant, simply call you vet and they will be able to tell you if its good or not. I don’t advise calling any hot lines. They will not tell you its harmful unless a lot of birds have died and they have been notified. If a few have died, don’t think they will share that one with you.

Scented Candles
I am a lover of scented candles so I keep these in different rooms that my bird does not go into. The vapors that the scented candle produce are toxic to your birds. This includes candles, oils, plus ins and potpourri.

Aerosol sprays are deadly to your birds. This means anything that comes in this type of spray. While doing your hair and cleaning your home, the birds should not be near you. If you have a set day that you clean, then maybe take your caged bird outside for a while. Clean your home, give it proper time to air out and then bring your birds back in.

You should know never have your bird near you when your cooking. Not only because of the hot foot issue, but because of the non stick on your pans. These produce an odorless toxin that is very harmful to your birds.

Foil Cooking Bags
These items have not been officially posted as toxic, but many birds have already died from them. Birds have had their eyes and nose burned with the toxins these things produce in your oven. Im sure these are made from the same material as aluminum foil, so these should be avoided. Another reason why your bird should not be anywhere near the kitchen when you cook.

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