Avoid Losing Your Socks with These Tips

We all know the feeling of losing socks in the washing machine. I’m convinced there really is a magical fantasyland on the other side of the washing machine and there really are fauns stealing our socks.
I’m sure everybody has lost their socks from time to time so here are a few tips you can follow to make sure you don’t lose them in the washing machine.
First I’ll start with my method of keeping track of my socks. I wait until every sock I own is dirty and then wash them all at once in their own separate load. If you really want to see if you can keep track of your socks then count them before you wash them and count them again afterwards. Even if you do lose a few socks though you should still have plenty of clean ones.
You also might want to always buy the same kind of sock. If you have 60 socks that all are the same and two get lost there still are 58 and therefore there are still 29 pairs. If an odd number of socks are lost then lose one more sock on purpose.
Some people don’t have the time or don’t want to spend an extra load of wash on just socks. If you decide to wash your socks with the rest of your clothes then it’s important to make sure each pair stays together. We never lose pairs of socks just individual ones. One solution is to use safety pins to hold the pair of socks together.
Another way to avoid losing your socks is to retrace your steps before you start the washing machines. Sometimes on your way to the washing machine you can drop a piece of clothing and since the sock is the smallest piece of clothing it could very be well what you leave behind. Check the path you followed, check the hamper and check yourself (because of static electricity).
Also be sure to check the washing machine twice after washing your clothes. Sometimes your sock can get stuck to the side of the washing machine.
If there is ever a time when you find a stray sock that doesn’t match then keep a place near the washing machine for stray socks. Keep them all in the same place and maybe eventually two from the same pair will show up.
There is one last option. If you’re really desperate and don’t want to lose any socks then the solution is very simple. Don’t wash them. In fact, don’t even change them. Just get one pair of socks and keep track of them at all times.