B-B Crafts You Can Make Yourself

Use a four-by-four square of wood, about a half-inch thick, to make an octopus for the bathroom or as a paperweight. Start by making the very tip of each of the tentacles. These can be made by aligning a number of b-b’s in a wavy row from the edge of the wood up to the top of the base. Make eight of the legs, starting from various positions on the four sides or corners of the wood, and make them wider as you go towards the wooden base top. To do this you’ll start with one b-b then place another direction behind it. Now place two b-b’s behind that, and two more behind those. Move on to three in a group and so forth, until you have about four-wide at the base of the tentacle. Stack b-b’s on top of those to give the leg dimension, but as you get towards the tip of the tentacle fall off to just one b-b high.
When you have the eight tentacles designed look towards where they meet, in the center of the wood. Begin stacking and gluing b-b’s in a roundish lump on top of the legs. An easy way to make the body of the octopus is to get a small magnet and roll it in b-b’s. Glue the conglomeration to the center of the tentacles then glue on a few more b-b’s to make sure the shape is right and the magnet well-covered. The piece makes a great paperweight, shelf decoration, or gift for a nautical friend.
If your home is done in a rustic theme try making a monogram with a circle around it, out of b-b’s, for your mantel plate. Or use the b-b’s to make a wagon wheel design on the mailbox. Draw the design with permanent marker and stencils then use contact cement to place b-b’s quickly. The designs can be done on a fence post, trellis, front door, planters or wooden porch swings. Make a b-b monogram for window shutters, patio table and chairs, or a plant trough.
Inside, decorate a can with b-b’s to hold utensils in the kitchen or outline the kitchen cupboards with b-b designs. Make a b-b design in kitchen chair backs, table legs, or cover cabinet handles with b-b’s. You can also make a permanent pot holder for the table by tracing around a plate and gluing the b-b’s into the circle. Glue a design in b-b’s on the side of the toaster or across the handle of the stove.
An easy way to do almost any b-b piece is to use a flat, wooden shape, found at craft stores. The shapes come in themes like dolphins, cats, or even birdhouses, and are very inexpensive. Choose a wooden shape then paint it the approximate color of the b-b’s. When paint has dried spread contact cement all over it, for attaching the b-b’s. The b-b’s give the piece depth and a beautiful metallic appearance. After making the piece mount it on wood. The b-b art can be painted, too. Use spray paint specifically for metals for best results.
Another simplistic way to make b-b art is to start with a coloring page. Lay the page onto a piece of cardboard and glue or tape into place. Use the b-b’s to “color in” the design. Something simple, like a saddle, is best unless you paint the b-b’s different colors before proceeding. Place picture in frame and glue shut. If there’s not enough room for the b-b art in the frame remove the glass pane and hang on the wall. There are lots of designs you can make with b-b’s because they are so easy to work with and are very cheap.
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Posted by john in Decorating & Design