B-Movie Card Games by Z-Man

If you are looking for a fun way to spend an hour, try one of the many B-movie card games released by Z-Man. These games originated with “Grave Robbers From Outer Space”, a parody of science fiction and horror films. Within this game, the object is to create one’s own B-movie. The results are fun and hilarious and many sequels to the game have been subsequently released.

“Grave Robbers From Outer Space” has a cast of characters that include Skippy the Wonder Dog, The Creepy Innkeeper, and The Nymphomaniac Cheerleader. As you can see, it makes a loving mockery of the often formulaic nature of these films. Skippy the Wonder Dog will appear in all of the Z-Man B-movie card games, including the sequel to “Grave Robbers From Outer Space”, entitled “Skippy’s Revenge” (Skippy becomes an undead wonder dog in GRFOS II).

The next game in the series is called “Cannibal Pygmies In The Jungle Of Doom”. As you may have deduced from the title, it is a parody of action/adventure pulp films. References to the Indiana Jones movies are there, as well as Tarzan, Tomb Raider, and the Alan Quartermaine series. In the games, you are also given options for locations of your B-movie. In this one, locations include “The Ridiculously Elaborate Treehouse”. (Reading the silly cards as you play is half the fun!)

Other card games released in the B-movie line include “Bell-Bottomed Badasses On The Mean Streets Of Funk”, a parody of 1970’s blaxploitation films. Also, there is “Kung Fu Samurai On Robot Island”, an Asian cinema game, and “Berserker Halflings From The Dungeon Of Dragons”, a parody of fantasy films like Conan The Barbarian and the Lord Of The Rings trilogy.

The greatest thing about these games is that they can stand alone or be combined to make a bigger game. Combining the games can be fun, especially when mixing it up with two vastly different genres (say, with the blaxploitation game and the fantasy game). Making one’s own B-movie is actually a lot of fun and a challenging premise for a card game. Z-man’s decks are approximately twenty dollars each and can be found at www.zmangames.com.

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