Baby Einstein Videos are a Mother’s Best Friend

No one is advocating the parking of baby behinds in front of the television all day. On the contrary, Baby Einstein videos are short and stimulating for the infant brain. Whether or not it will actually make a child smarter may never be proven, but there have been studies to support “The Mozart Effect”. Researchers have claimed for years that classical music improves a child’s capacity for math, science, and emotional development.
Baby Einstein celebrates many cultural pursuits, including art (featured in Baby Monet and Baby Van Gogh) and literature (Baby Shakespeare). Also, as in Baby Language Nursery, a young child is exposed to many foreign languages. It is before the age of twelve that a person has the easiest time learning foreign languages, so it’s never too early to encourage a child to be multi-lingual. Don’t worry about confusing them, either. A child’s ability to parse language is far more sophisticated than our own.
There aren’t just videos available from The Baby Einstein Company. There is also accompanying music CDs, books, and puppets. All of these feature recurring characters from the video series, such as Baby Van Goat. In August 2005, Baby Einstein launched its own clothing line, also featuring favorite characters. The clothing can be found at Babies R Us as well as Foley’s, Dillard’s, and Macy’s.
The best thing about Baby Einstein may be that it is guilt-free entertainment for one’s child. Mothers will rest well knowing that their babies are being thoroughly occupied by a multi-award winning line of products. Organizations endorsing the company include Parenting Magazine, Parents’ Magazine, Scholastic Parent & Child, and The National Parenting Center. Parents will also be delighted to hear that once baby has outgrown his videos, the same company has developed Little Einstein for toddlers.