Baby, It’s Cold Outside: The Best Ways to Stay In During Winter

First, get cozy in some jammies. Make sure that you’re decent enough to open the door for the delivery guy, though no flannel Nick and Nora’s please. The fine art of doing nothing is definitely about luxe living, not thrift. Try La Perla or Frette loungewear for timeless style. You can order online from, however, where designer brands are 40-60% off, and have them delivered to your door. Why not have everything gift wrapped while you’re at it. It feels so much fancier when you get to untie bows.
Next, create your ambiance. Light some nag champa or pomegranate candles. Leave those Santa candles you won in the obligatory office exchange for re-gifting. Play diva today. To make the living room feel more like a green room, order a bouquet of winter white irises from Vase included, and same day delivery. Dim the lights and play a little mellow (not Manillow) music. Download new tunes to your ipod or visit and cerate your own “radio station.” You can choose themes and then rate artists within each, so the site knows what to play and what to leave out. It’s free with occasional commercials or $2.99 per month commercial-free with higher quality sound.
Most crucial to your comfort, of course, is sustenance. While I am happy to receive Harry & David’s foil-wrapped fruit from relatives, what really counts as comfort food is their heavenly Moose Munch. Fluffy popcorn alternately coated with caramel and milk chocolate is so worth $25 ( your lucky enough to be in the delivery area, get some real food by way of Tom Tom Noodle House. The crispy duck salad, tender dumplings, and mango sake ribs are sure to have you licking your fingers. Since you can’t have their blackberry mojitos delivered, call Bishop Arts shop Ifs, Ands, or Butts to ship a 12-pack of your favorite bottled soda from childhood. Believe me, whatever is, they have it! To mellow from your Jolt fix, put on a pot of decaf. With monthly delivery of your choice of coffees and teas, is fabulous for us truly lazy. They’ll even deliver the coffee maker!
Stop when you stress the seams of your new La Perla. Snuggle up on the divan, and put in a DVD from Netflix or Blockbuster. Both companies offer return postage paid DVD rental by mail. Keep three movies as long as you like, and receive new picks from your rental queue as soon as you send them back. No standing in line, no due dates, and under $18 a month. Have you seen Amelie yet? Fabulous!
If you can’t commit to anything on your bookshelf, make sure your paper subscriptions have been renewed. There’s nothing better on a cold day than curling with a fat copy of the New York Times and a freshly sharpened pencil. You smarties who can do a crossword with a pen – keep it to yourselves. Outside of our fine local mags, try Lucky for pre-shopping, Travel and Leisure for vacation planning, and Esquire for Clooney or Adrian Brody-watching.
To prepare for you inevitable date with gorgeous George, spend the rest of your luxurious day having a little beauty party. Masque, manicure, pedi, and a chin-high bubble bath are musts. Since you don’t have a team to put you together, visit for requisite supplies.
Rest assured that if you to face the January chill tomorrow, you be renewed, replenished, and will have created a cache of resources for other soon to be “sick” days.
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Posted by john in Decorating & Design