Baby Shower Games for Your Baby’s Special Day

Looking for fun baby shower games to keep your guests entertained on your baby’s special day? Here are some of the most enjoyable baby shower games for the occasion. These baby shower games are fun and, best of all, easy to prepare, because the last thing you need is to be stressing out before the big party.
  • The Toilet Paper Game- Have guests look at the mom-to-be and guess her belly size in toilet paper strips (from belly button to belly button). Whoever comes closest wins. This is a great ice breaker for loosening up your guests and getting everyone laughing and conversing.
  • Baby’s First Bank- Ask guests to bring some spare change for this baby shower game. Prepare a baby bottle with a slit at the top for inserting coins. As the bottle is passed around, each guest must toss in a coin and give one piece of advice to the mom-to-be. The money can be used to open up the baby’s first savings account.
  • Message in a Bottle- Bring an empty wine bottle along with a few pads of Post-It notes. Ask guests to write short messages for the baby’s 16th birthday and stuff them into the bottle. Later, seal the bottle and present it to your child when he or she is 16. This serves as a great memory and a chance to reminisce with your child.
  • Name That Baby Food- For this baby shower game, buy 10 to 15 baby food jars and peel off the labels. Pass the jars around, asking guests to sample each flavor and guess what it is. The guest who identifies the most flavors wins. Watch and laugh as some guests cringe when they realize how bad baby food really tastes.
  • What’s in the Diaper?- Take a baby diaper, put four or five gift items in it, and close it up. Pass the diaper around, asking guests to feel the diaper and write down what they think is in it. Whoever guesses the most items wins the diaper and the goodies.
  • Baby Charades- This baby shower game is just like real charades only guests act out baby-related things like: changing a diaper, midnight feedings, and being vomited on by the baby. Remember, no talking!
  • Pin the Pacifier on the Baby- This baby shower game is a clever twist on the classic Pin the Tail on the Donkey. Get a picture of a crawling baby and have it blown up to poster size. At the shower, blindfold your guests and see who can pin a paper pacifier closest to the baby’s mouth.
  • Chug the Baby Bottle- Fill up baby bottles with your beverage of choice and have guests race to see who finishes first. This is a fun baby shower game, especially for couples showers, where women can bottle-feed their partners. It’s much harder to drink from a baby bottle than you might think, though, so get small bottles for this game.

Typically, two to four of these baby shower games will provide plenty of entertainment for the day. But if you’re feeling spontaneous, go with the flow and play as many as you feel your guests are in the mood for. Remember, it’s your day. So take it easy and have a good time!

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