Bachelorette Party Game: Bride’s Scavenger Hunt

So why do the bachelors get to have all the fun? Not anymore, with this clever game for the bride-to-be! Whether she’s your friend, your cousin or your sister, make this a night the bachelorette will never forget. No purchase necessary, no strings attachedâÂ?¦just some good, old-fashioned fun!

Gather together the girls for a night on the town and be sure to have a designated driver if drinking is in the agenda. You might want to adorn your bride-to-be with a cute or mischievous veil to wear out, or maybe even a suggestive T-shirt proclaiming her last night of freedom. Whatever the case, prepare to send your girlfriend on a chase for some hilarious items and situations! Bride-to-Be Scavenger Hunt List and Dare Game: Safety in numbers, the more the merrier, and may the best lady win!

Put your gal-pal to work with these innocent, obnoxious and embarrassing objects and situations. OK, if you are feeling particularly generous, the rest of the female crew can join in the fun to see how many items the gals can check off the list of attractions! Make sure someone in the group takes pictures of the fun with each numbered item so the memories live on beyond the buzz.

Last Night Out Dare List:

1. Get a guy to serenade the bride-to-be. This shouldn’t be too hard if you know the right places to goâÂ?¦ like a karaoke barâÂ?¦ or the local dive where you know everyone and their cousin!

2. Get a guy to buy her a drink. This should be an easy one if she has a veil or a T-shirt explicitly stating that she will be off the market very soon. A lot of guys may congratulate her and hopefully at least one will offer to buy her a drink. If not, it shouldn’t be tough to get some unsuspecting male to pick up the tab for at least one shot. If alcohol is not part of the evening, opt for a soda or some spring water.

3. Get a guy’s phone number on a napkin. Again, this is child’s play. How old are we again, twelve? Let’s go, ladies, we should be on number five by now!

4. Get a guy to let the bride-to-be wear his hat. First you have to find a guy wearing a hat. Then you have to hope he isn’t superstitious about his sports team and his lucky hat. Once you’ve got that squared away, you’re golden. OK, onto the next project!

5. Get a guy to give up his underwear/ boxers. See, I tried to warn you this was the toughie. But I have faith that you girls will be able to stand up to this demandâÂ?¦ after all, there’s a zany guy in any bunch-you just have to find him! Well, and get him to drop his drawers and hand over his loincloth. Good Luck!

6. Meet a guy with the same name as the groom-to-be and get the bride-to-be’s picture taken with him. Just think how great that will look in the scrapbook, with the caption saying, “Jane and John, before the wedding.” Honestly, this could be funâÂ?¦ Just hope your friend isn’t marrying someone named “Poindexter” or “Wilfred” or some other unusual name!

7. Do a “Body Shot.” This one is targeted for the bride-to-be, but one of her faithful heroines can bail her out if she blushes or shies away from the notion. If alcohol is not involved in this party, skip to the next item.

8. Find a guy with an accent. Let her get it out of her system now while she is technically single. Many women seem attracted to men with foreign accents, so now is a much better time for her to get past that than on their honeymoon in Australia, Fiji or Jamaica.

9. Find a guy with an out-of state Drivers License. Who knows if it’s a fake ID or notâÂ?¦ your only purpose is to find someone who isn’t a townie!

10. Find a guy who shares a love of the bride-to-be’s favorite sports team. (If she doesn’t like sports, she needs to pretendâÂ?¦ OK, just kidding! Pick a team amongst the group and search for a fan).

11. Get a guy to give you a condom. Failing that, at least ask him if you can have change for the “condom machine.” If nothing else, this should evoke a laugh or two! Hey, that’s all we’re going for here, really.

12. Find a guy with a moustache and kiss him on the cheek. Yep, this is another one of those blasted double-part dares! Good luckâÂ?¦ at least you can be grateful we didn’t tell you to smooch the mullet-guy!

13. Smooch the guy with the mullet. OK, just kidding. But FIND a guy with a mullet!

14. Find a guy with blue eyes. That’s it. No catch here, just find a guy with beautiful blue eyes. Or even the color-changing ones that switch from blue to green and back depending on the color of his shirt.

15. Take a “blow job” shot. I have seen some nasty variations of this scavenger hunt dare, but we will keep it innocent for the benefit of all. The shot is harmless in and of itselfâÂ?¦ just remember, no hands!

16. Have five guys write their philosophies on marriage on napkins. Though most guys will probably offer their congratulations and best wishes, some might not share the same positive sentiment. This case could get ugly really fastâÂ?¦ so make sure one of the girls in your pack keeps an eye on the entries, and if an offensive one is found, she can easily “drop it” without a big scene.

17. Find a fortune cookie’s fortune, a temporary tattoo or some variation of your own for this item. Hey, this is a scavenger huntâÂ?¦ there’s got to be at least a couple of material items up for grabs. Be creative!

18. Find a penny from the bride-to-be’s year of birth. This task should rank among some of the easiest of the bunchâÂ?¦ just think of all the clever and inventive ways to secure such a penny-crawling around the bar in search of that elusive copper piece, asking the bartender if you can have your change all in coinageâÂ?¦who cares that you need $27.50 back! Of course we are only kidding, but that penny could serve as a good luck charm or a simple and sentimental addition to a scrapbook of her last night out.

19. Get a man to dance with you who is: (a.) approximately your dad’s age, (b.) approximately your grandfather’s age, or (c.) sitting by himself in need of some company (or (d.) other!) Men will have a hard time turning down a lady in front of her entire entourage of female friends!

20. Get someone-preferably the cutest guy in the joint-to take a picture of your group of femme fatales. This priceless photo will bring a smile to your faces for years and years to come!

Use these ideas or make up a list of your own. Be as innocent or as risquÃ?© as you like, but remember to keep everything in good fun. And don’t forget those photos!

This Bachelorette Party Scavenger Hunt is intended for fun and entertainment purposes only. Do not attempt to do anything that may cause bodily harm or legal action, and please do not enforce these dares if the bride-to-be is uncomfortable with them or has bad feelings about doing certain activities. As always, be responsible and secure a designated driver or a taxi service if alcohol will be involved. Beyond these safety precautions, HAVE FUN!

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