Back Scratchers and Brooms Get Pesky Hair Out of Carpets

It’s annoying to step out of bed in the morning only to catch hair between your toes. Walking on the carpet isn’t too relaxing when hair is wrapping around your toes. Hair is hard to vacuum from flooring. It’s tedious to crawl around on your hand & knees combing the hair out of carpet. You might be tempted to use a rake to grab at carpet hair but a rake could be too rough and even cause damage. It’s not as drastic to remove hair from tile. A broom and dust pan is pretty much all you need. But a broom will aid in pesky carpet hair removal.
If you sweep a broom over the carpet it can pick up a lot of hair between its bristles. Hair usually has to be pulled from the broom bristles by hand. And some hair can be swept into a dust pan. With the help of a long handled back scratcher you can catch hair that the broom misses. The back scratcher fingers will dig into carpet where broom bristles can’t and get at hair. As you scrape the back scratcher across the carpet let the fingers pick up hair. Pull the caught hair from the fingers. As you drag the scratcher over the carpet it can loosen hair that has become imbedded, which can be a buildup of pet hairs as well as humans and bring hair to the surface where it can be swept up with a broom and dust pan.
It can be a lot of work to back scratch and sweep a room. You can eliminate a large portion of the work by only scratching and sweeping areas in the room that are frequently used. Sofas and chairs in a carpeted living room may wound up with hair near the legs, edges and underneath where relaxation may cause the shedding of hair. Scratch and sweep around the furniture areas. You can also run the back scratcher over sofas and chairs to grab hair. The back scratcher may scratch some pieces of furniture. Areas in the room where no one lounges, pets included, you may be able to get by without scratching and sweeping. This area of the room may only need to be vacuumed.
A back scratcher might also be used to break up dried spills and stains on carpets.
A back scratcher is useful for hairy situations of the carpet kind. Use it alone or with a broom to keep strands of hair from becoming a nuisance.