Backpacks for Kindergartners

If your child’s backpack is too heavy for them it can cause some serious back pain and in some cases even injury. Your kindergartner should not carry any more than 10 to 20% of their own body weight. Even though your child will not have a lot of book’s their first year, the weight of a larger bag by itself can be a bit much for them. Then next thing you will want to take into consideration when looking for a backpack for your little one is to get one that is waterproof. In kindergarten they do not have books like they do when they get older.
Most of the work they will be bringing home will be single sheets of paper, which will get completely damaged if they get wet, so make sure that you go with the water proof ones. Now you’re ready to shop, the first thing I would recommend that you do is search online to see what store has the small backpacks. This way you won’t waste your time going from store to store. You can begin at They usually have a pretty large variety of back to school backpacks. This would include the special character backpacks that most kids seem to want.
Take a look at the website with their child and see if they have anything that they want. Your child will probably already have in mind what backpack they want. For example most girls will want the Barbie back backs, and boys will prefer to have hot wheels or something similar to that. Here are some additional websites that you can try,,, This is just a short list of the many options available. Make sure that you check your local flyer’s to see what sales they have on backpacks. Usually if you do your back to school shopping during the middle of summer when they first start advertising them you can find the best deal.