Backyard Camping with the Kids

Most parents believe they have to travel a far distance for this outdoor adventure. I have some advice that I have tested on my own family. Be sure to bring a camera, backpack, flashlight, sleeping bag, small grill, and your best scary stories. I personally understand what it takes for an over worked, under paid working adult in the modern world to become child like enough to relate to your small children but I can bet you that the rewards really are priceless. The simpliest things mean the most to your kids. So if you’ve been promising them for awhile that you’ll take them on a trip try backyard camping complete with imagination. (You can thank me later) Every one knows you’re an adult but on your trip it’s ok to be a big kid you’re at home no one will see you. Remember the more you are into it the more they feel like they really are camping. It would be a good idea to set the backyard up with any large stuffed bears or lions. Place stuffed snakes on tree branches etc.

All trips start at home tell your little ones to go pack. Make sure they only pack their camping neccessities. Like their sleeping bags and sleeping buddies (stuffed animals) If they are a little older they can pack binoculars which are good for spotting owls and brown bears at a distance. Make sure your back pack is filled with trailmix and granola bars this may be a long night. Don’t forget your water bottles or canteens. While they are packing for the outdoor adventure you can go set the backyard up be creative. The small swimming pool is the lake they will need to wash their face and cool off from the heat. The small grill is the open fire you will cook the game you’ve caught. Have a nighttime sounds cd handy, you will need this later. The sound of forest animals will make this trip an authentic camping experience. Most importantly remember to cut off all phones here is where the invention of the answering machine comes in handy. I understand how hard not having the telephone ringing can be but it will distract your attention away from the kids and the trip and also make it less real for them with you running to answer it everytime it rings. If you have a spouse the two of you can alternate checking the messages
between bathroom breaks. The more childlike you are during this trip the more mature your children will behave. Don’t be the parent be the older camping buddy.

Try planning your camping trip closer to the evening. Once you’re all done setting up go meet your kids at their rooms. Have them put their back packs on as you navigate them through the woods (your house) to the camp site you’ve just found. Make sure you have the tent ready. Let them help set it up this will help you feel more connected and make it more real. Once your tent is pitched began forging for food. Have your kids look for wood for the fire (fallen branches in the yard, NO branches? leaves are ok) have them put it around the grill (your open fire) After having a satisfying meal go animal watching, have your children identify the forest animals and even go wash off in the lake. As it nears night time play the cd and sit in a circle to eat the infamous smores treat while you tell scary stories using your flashlights. Pass it around until everyone is done. Let your stories be just as funny as scary to keep the laughter going and don’t forget to take lots of pictures of your kids by the tent for scrapebooking later. During bed time put every one in their sleeping bags and star gaze before going into the tent for the night. Your kids will be so proud of their adventure it will be the most talked about outing for weeks. You will be the creative parents all others are envious of.

This may fast become a family tradition so be open to the possibility. It’s better to spend time with quality with your kids. I hope this have inspired you to come up with some fun ideas that don’t neccesarily have to cost money. Keep out for a few more of my articles on Quality fun activities with your children. Remember to make all of your time spent with your family quality time. After all that is time they will most remember it also makes for great stories later.

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