Backyard Grilling Table

Grilling outside is one of my favorite things to do because I enjoy the outdoors, but one problem I have found is that there is little prepping space for cooking. In your Kitchen you have a ton of counter space to work with, but when it comes to your grill, short of dragging a table outside your only other option is to go inside. I hated the fact that I would have to stop cooking and prep inside so I decided to instead fix this problem by creating a wooden grill prepping table.

Materials needed for this project

*table saw


*wood glue

*rubber silicone





*Cutting board(s)

*Cabinet hinges


*Fine sand paper

Beginning the project

A cutting board is a great surface to do prepping on and is very weather resistant and so for this reason we will want to use it as the major part of our surface for the table. Start by measuring the length and width of the cutting boards you would like to use. Next cut a board that is a foot longer then the full length of your cutting boards and an inch and a half wider to act as the table surface. This extra space will be used to provide a two inch space between your cutting boards as well as a ten inch long space for holding prepping materials for cooking. Mark the position of your cutting boards onto the top of your table surface with two inches of separation between them. Next you will want to determine the height of your table which will depend solely on what works best for you, but for the purposes of this project we are going to make it about five and a quarter inches tall. Cut two boards that are the same length of your table surface and five and a quarter inches wide, marking down the center of one of the two pieces. The marked piece will be used to make the sides of your table and allow you to attach optional cabinets. To finish prepping, cut a piece that is equal to the length and width of your table surface to act as the base for your table.

Completing the project

Using wood glue, attach the side and back pieces to the base of your table and hold them in place with wood vices, leaving it to dry for twenty four hours. Once the pieces have dried, attach the table surface to the sides of the table with wood glue and drill a small hole into each corner. Place screws into each corner and repeat the process for the bottom of your table, allowing another twenty four hours before proceeding to the next step. To place the cutting board into the table surface, measure the thickness of your cutting board and cut along your previous outline until you reach the desired depth in the table surface. Place rubber silicone around the edges of your cutting boards and gently place them into the now cut out portions of your table. Attach four small wheels to each corner of the bottom of your table and test to ensure that they can handle weight properly. To attach cabinets to the front of your table simply measure the length and width of the front and cut a board to fit, marking down its’ center. Cut the board down the center and mark a half inch inward, also placing a mark at half thickness. Slowly cut own this area with a dermal and repeat the process on the reverse side of the other board. Lightly sand each cut and attach them to the front of your table using hinges. The two cabinet doors will now interlock with one another and will not require any door handles for access, insuring that there are no gaps to protect the inside from weathering.

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