Bad News Inspires a Week

In 1988 Jara read an article that changed her life involving a Good Samaritan left to die.
Jara moved beyond shock to action, she said and started the special week celebrated every year Aug. 25-31.
Besides being a woman of passion Jara is also an especially empathic person, says one writer.
The organization’s motto is “A uniter, not a diver, we embrace everyone.”
For instance on Aug. 25th there was “Motorist Consideration.”
And another couple in Scottsdale, AZ, who owns their own business, tries to create a peaceful environment in their tanning operation and remember all their clients’ names.
Some nice things you can do for others include:
Babysitting for friends so they can go out for a night.
Putting money in parking meters.
Picking up trash in parking lots.
Rounding up grocery carts at the grocery store parking lot.
Paying the toll for the person in back of you.
Walking the dog for an invalid person.
Bringing meals to the elderly.
Volunteering at a nursing home, children’s home, or animal shelter.
Playing Santa to a single mom with kids at the holidays.
Taking kids trick-or-treating.
For more information on the Week, go to