Badminton: Game History and Rules

The object of Badminton is to hit the shuttlecock (bird) back and forth over a net without permitting it to hit the floor in bounds on your side of the net.
Badminton: History
Badminton is thought to have originated in India as an adult version of the British children’s game “battledore and shuttlecock” (the battledore as a paddle and the shuttlecock as a small feathered cork.)
Battledore and Shuttlecock was played for centuries by kids in India, Siam, and Japan. The game was not competitive but rather a fun game where everyone worked together to keep the “bird” in the air.
By the 1860’s a net was added and the game was a competitive sport called “poona”. Many British Army officers played Poona. They brought the game to England when they returned in the 1870’s.
The Duke of Beaufont began playing the game during lawn parties held at his estate, Badminton. It then became known as “the Badminton game”.
In 1877 the Bath Badminton Club developed the first written rules, which have remained- for the most part- in tact.
In 1893 the Badminton Association of England was founded. The first All-England Championship was held in 1899.
Badminton: Rules
– A player may not touch the net with a racket
– A birdie may not come to rest or be carried on the racket.
– A birdie may hit the net on its way across during play and can continue.
– A player may not reach over the net to hit the shuttlecock.
– In class games will be played to 15 points and a match is 2 out of 3 games.
– A coin toss or spin of the racket determines who will serve first.
– The serve must travel cross court to be good.
-The racket must make contact with the birdie below the waist on a serve.
– The server and receiver shall stand within their courts until the serve is made.
– Points can only be scored when serving.
– All lines are considered “in bounds”.