Balinese: A Cat of Grace and Beauty

The Balinese is a breed that closely resembles the Siamese cat. When watching it move, breeders were reminded of the dancers of Bali, who reside on the island of Indonesia Siam is located near Indonesia.. Its origen is a spur-of-the-moment mutation of the Siamese cat that began in the early 1900’s. Long haired cats started to appear in litters of Siamese Kittens. Its genetic equation meant that one copy of the gene for long hair existed in one parent. This is a gene that should not have appeared in the genetic makeup of a purebred Siamese cat. Cats can pass this recessive gene to their children without having long hair themselves. Marion Dorsey of California was the first breeder recognized to breed and gain acknowledgment of the Balinese. She worked with another breeder in New York in the 1960’s.

Balinese’s gained recognition in 1961 and its fur color was registered. It has the same colorations as the Siamese. Balinese’s coats can be identified by four different point types. They are seal, blue, chocolate and lilac point. When looking at a Seal Point Siamese, its body is dark seal brown with matching nose and pads. A blue point Balinese has a white body as well as a slate blue face, tail and paws. The chocolate point Balinese has a ivory body and its face, tail and its paws are milk chocolate. The paw pads are cinnamon pink in shade. A lilac point Balinese has a frosty gray color on its face, paws and tail. Its paw pads are lavender pink in color. The CFA acknowledges only the Seal, Blue, Chocolate and Lilac Point. All other colors, such as red point, cream point, lynx (tabby) point and tortie point. are considered Javanese.

There are two types of Balinese, the modern and the traditional. Like its cousin, the Siamese, the traditional Balinese have a large frame body, rounder head and its ears are smaller than the modern Balinese. Its tail has short hair. The modern Balinese has large ears, slim body and small head. Its coat is longer than the traditional Balinese’s. The fur of the modern Balinese is two inches in length. The Traditional Balinese is hard to find but its popularity is increasing.

Cat trees and perches are a must have for the Balinese. These types of equipment are more suitable for leaping than your refrigerator. Health concerns of the Balinese are occasional slightly crossed eyes and resting nystagmus. This is twitching of the eyes in a side-to-side motion.

The voice of the Balinese is softer in tone.. They do not walk around and voice their opinion constantly. Balinese’s only talk when they have something to say. They revel in human companionship just like Siamese Cats. Following their owners around the house is their favorite activity. Being inside the house suites the Balinese. They are very affectionate, they love to sit in their owner’s laps and are inquisitive cats. If you are fortunate to own a Balinese, you have a beautiful and loving pet.

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