Bamboo Flooring is a Premium Grade Choice

Bamboo flooring is an excellent choice if you are looking for a unique textured look and feel. Many people are choosing bamboo flooring over traditional hard wood flooring for many rooms in the home. This article will take a closer look at bamboo flooring as a smart choice for your next project.

Bamboo Flooring Is Slightly More Expensive

You might be curios how much bamboo flooring will cost you to install. Although it may be slightly higher – weighing in around $4 to $8 per square foot it is worth the extra price you will pay when looking for uniqueness. Traditional hardwood floors can be just as expensive, but you do have a few more opinions with hard wood to lower the cost if you decide that bamboo flooring is simply out of your budget.

Bamboo Is Known For It’s Toughness

Bamboo in itself is a very rough and tough material and a key component to why so many people are making the switch to this type of flooring surface. Bamboo is harvested in some of the most extreme climates in the world. Bamboo can survive in very high heat climates as well as below freezing climates. This tough weather is very beneficial to allowing bamboo to be so strong.

Bamboo Flooring Is Very Popular In The US Markets

The US market is growing at a rapid rate for bamboo flooring installs. Many builders are finding the demand for bamboo flooring to increase by as much as 30 % each year over the last 10 years. Researches say that this trend will not end anytime soon. It is expected to double over the next 10 years and will soon be common flooring surface for many offices, restaurants and other public settings.

You will find that most all bamboo flooring that is sold in North America is produced mainly in southern China. In fact, the province of Hunan is referred to as the bamboo sea aptly named for all of the bamboo forest that exists in that region.

You will not find many manufactures that will argue against the fact that bamboo is one of the kings when it comes to durability and strength. Bamboo can take a beating and keep up in its luxurious shine and beauty. Because it is so durable it has become a great flooring surface for high traffic areas like hotel lobbies, courthouses, and other public places.

Bamboo flooring can add great charm and character to your next home or office project. The only thing that still lacks with bamboo flooring is the limited colors and styles you have to choose from. This is surely going to be addressed over the coming years as this fine flooring product rises in popularity.

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