Barbaric Superstition

Barbaric Superstition

In some ancient cultures, the killing of a human being, or the substitution of an animal for a person, was an attempt to commune with the god and to participate in the divine life. It also sometimes served as an attempt to placate the god and expiate the sins of the people. It was especially common among agricultural people (e.g., in the ancient Near East), who sought to guarantee the fertility of the soil. The Aztecs sacrificed thousands of victims (often slaves or prisoners of war) annually to the sun, and the Incas made human sacrifices on the accession of a ruler. In ancient Egypt and elsewhere in Africa, human sacrifice was connected with ancestor worship, and slaves and servants were killed or buried alive along with dead kings in order to provide service in the afterlife. A similar tradition existed in China. The Celts and Germanic peoples are among the European peoples who practiced human sacrifice.

In India, we see a variety of ethnic people living in the country. There are Bengalis, Parsis, Sikhs, Gujaratis, Marwaris, Jains, etc. Each community has its own culture. They have their superstitions also. The practice of human sacrifice is still prevalent in some Indian community. They sacrifice their child so that they get blessing from God. So human sacrifice is offering of the life of a human being to a god.

In India, when the sons in the family are unmarried for a long time, they think that human sacrifice is the only way to solve this problem. They sacrifice an innocent child. This incident occurred in Cuddalore of Chennai (previously known as Madras). Throughout the year, many child sacrifice incidents have been occurring. In July of 2005, a person after getting a dream sacrificed a 5-year-old boy to please Goddess Durga. He thought that this might be the only way to solve the problem. In Narayanpur of Andhra Pradesh, a boy was kidnapped by telling him of a job as he was from a poor family. A few days later the neighbors found a headless body of him. It was later found that the abductors killed him for a treasure. This incident also occurred in 2005 on the month of July. In the hope of getting treasure or a baby, the inhuman practice of human sacrifice is practice often in some parts of India. But we cannot protest against this inhuman practice. We do feel very sad and touched by these incidents. The practice of human sacrifice is also found in big cities besides the remote villages of Bihar, Orissa, Jharkhand, or Telengana regions.

Human sacrifice can only stopped through proper education. Due to lack of education, people think that a human sacrifice will solve the problem when actually it is not. The people doing this should be heavily punished.

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