Bargain Hunting After Christmas

*Start hunting for bargains early. It is best to start shopping for next Christmas two days before this Christmas because stores begin to prepare for after-holiday clearance. Sales officially start the morning after Christmas and run through the first or second week of January.
*Think outside the mall. Keep in mind that all stores-outlet stores, discount stores, consignment and resale shops, and online sites have after-Christmas sales.
*Shop before breakfast or after dinner when stores have extended holiday hours. This is a great way to beat the crowds.
*Let chaos die down on December 26. Most retailers have early-bird specials and sales the day after Christmas and the malls are a madhouse. Wait a day or two for the mayhem to subside. Or, if you don’t mind crowds, visit your favorite store first so you can get what you want before it is picked over.
*Wait for the end-of-season sales. Take advantage of the sales that last through February.