Basic Business Writing Guidelines

Organizing ideas:
�Addition: Also, as well, furthermore, moreover, additionally, etc�
�Contrast: But, although, however, etc�
�Sequence: First of all, then, after that, when, while, etc�

Be sure that all language (phrases, vocabulary) is appropriate for the type of writing. I.e. formal letters should be written formally, whereas notes can be less formal and use contractions.

�Addressed to groups or individuals.
�In a more formal style.
�No omission of words or abbreviations.
�Formal style of address.
�Use of job titles.

�Addressed to an individual.
�Informal style.
�Short in length.
�Abbreviations used.
�Contractions used.
�Omission of subjects, auxiliaries, and articles.
�Use of first names.

�Not addressed to anyone in particular.
�Formal style.
�No contractions.
�No abbreviations.

�Style is dependant on relationship with recipient.
�Can be short.
�Can contain contractions.
�Can contain characteristics of spoken English.

Correspondence: The style of a correspondence letter is dependent on several factors, one being your relationship to the recipient. Depending on your relationship, this can cause differences in salutations and language usage.

�Formal style. (Proper spacing, headings, and references, no indentation).

�Formal style of address. (addresse on the left, your heading on the right.)

�Formal language.
oProper salutations.
oFormal vocabulary.
oNo contractions.
oFormal business abbreviations only. [Re, enc (below job title as needed), etc…]

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